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lightning protection system of class of LPS I according to     IEC 61400-24 (EN 61400-24) standard refers to IEC / TS 60479-1
       IEC 62305 (EN 62305).                        and IEC 60479-4.
       This requires that the lightning strike be safely intercepted by
       the lightning protection system of the rotor blades so that it   Arrangement of earth electrodes
       can be discharged to the earth-termination system via the   The IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) standard describes two basic
       natural components such as bearings, mainframes, the tower   types of earth electrode arrangements for wind turbines:
       and / or bypass systems (e.g. open spark gaps, carbon brushes).
                                                    Type A: According to the informative Annex I of IEC 61400-24
       Air-termination system / down conductor      (EN 61400-24), this arrangement must not be used for wind
       As can be seen in Figure 9.16.1, the         turbines, but for adjoining buildings of wind turbines (for ex-
       ¨  Rotor blades,                             ample, buildings containing measurement equipment or office
       ¨  Nacelle including superstructures         sheds of a wind farm). Type A earth electrode arrangements
         (Figure 9.16.2, Table 9.16.1),             consist of horizontal or vertical earth electrodes connected to
       ¨  Rotor hub and                             the building by at least two down conductors.
       ¨  Tower of the wind turbine                 Type B: According to the informative Annex I of IEC 61400-24
       may be hit by lightning. If they are capable of safely intercept-  (EN 61400-24), type B earth electrodes must be used for wind
       ing the maximum lightning impulse current of 200 kA and to   turbines. They either consist of a buried external ring earth
       discharge it to the earth-termination system, they can be used   electrode and / or a foundation earth electrode. Ring earth
       as natural components of the air-termination system of the   electrodes and metal parts in the foundation must be con-
       wind turbine’s external lightning protection system.   nected to the tower construction.
       A metallic receptor, which represents a defined point of strike   In any case, the reinforcement of the tower foundation should
       for flashes, is frequently attached to the tip of the GRP blade to   be integrated in the earth-termination system of a wind tur-
       protect the rotor blades from lightning strikes. A down conduc-  bine. To ensure an earth-termination system ranging over as
       tor is routed from the receptor to the blade root. In case of a   large an area as possible, the earth-termination system of the
       lightning strike, it can be assumed that lightning hits the blade   tower base and the operations building should be connected
       tip (receptor) and then travels through the down conductor   by means of a meshed earth electrode network. Corrosion-re-
       inside the blade via the nacelle and the tower to the earth-
       termination system.                          sistant ring earth electrodes (made of stainless steel (V4A), e.g.
                                                    material No. AISI / ASTM 316 Ti) with potential control prevent
       Earth-termination system                     excessive step voltages in case of a lightning strike and must
       The earth-termination system of a wind turbine must perform   be installed around the tower base to ensure personal protec-
       several functions such as personal protection, EMC protection   tion (Figure 9.16.3).
       and lightning protection.
       An effective earth-termination system (Figure 9.16.3) is es-
       sential to distribute lightning currents and to prevent that the
       wind turbine is destroyed. Moreover, the earth-termination   GRP/Al supporting
       system must protect persons and animals against electric   tube with integrated
       shock. In case of a lightning strike, the earth-termination sys-  high-voltage-insu-
       tem must discharge high lightning currents to the ground and   lated conductor
       distribute them in the ground without causing dangerous ther-  (HVI Conductor)
       mal and / or electrodynamic effects.
       In general, it is important to install an earth-termination sys-
       tem for a wind turbine which is used to protect the wind tur-
       bine against lightning strikes and to earth the power supply
       Note:  Electrical  high-voltage  regulations  such  as  CENELEC
       HO 637 S1 or applicable national standards describe how to
       design an earth-termination system to prevent high touch
       and step voltages caused by short-circuits in high or medium-  Figure 9.16.2  Example of an air-termination system for the weather
       voltage systems. With regard to the protection of persons, the   station and the aircraft warning light

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