Page 348 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 348

¨  Cable routing and cable shielding         to determine the immunity level. The specific immunity level of
       ¨  Installation of coordinated surge protective devices  components in an LPZ directly defines the voltage protection
                                                    level required at the LPZ boundaries. The immunity of a system
       Protection of the lines at the transition from LPZ 0 A    must be proven, where applicable, with all SPDs installed and
       to LPZ 1 and higher                          the equipment they are supposed to protect.
       To ensure safe operation of electrical and electronic devices,
       the boundaries of the lightning protection zones (LPZs) must   Protection of power supply systems
       be  shielded  against  field-based  interference  and  must  be   The transformer of a wind turbine may be housed at different
       protected against conducted interference (Figures 9.16.4     locations (in a separate distribution station, in the tower base,
       and 9.16.5). To this  end,  surge  protective  devices  that  are   in the tower, in the nacelle). In case of large wind turbines,
       capable of discharging high partial lightning currents without   for example, the unshielded 20 kV cable in the tower base is
       destruction must be installed at the transition from LPZ 0 A  to     routed to the medium-voltage switchgear installation consist-
       LPZ 1 (also referred to as lightning equipotential bonding).   ing of a vacuum circuit breaker, mechanically locked selector
       These surge protective devices are referred to as type 1 light-  switch disconnector, outgoing earthing switch and protective
       ning current arresters and are tested by means of impulse cur-  relay. The medium-voltage cables are routed from the medium-
       rents of 10/350 μs waveform. At the transition from LPZ 0 B    voltage switchgear installation in the tower of the wind tur-
       to LPZ 1 and higher only low-energy impulse currents caused   bine to the transformer which may be situated in the tower
       by voltages induced on the system or surges generated in the   base or in the nacelle (Figure 9.16.4). The transformer feeds
       system must be coped with. These surge protective devices are   the control cabinet in the tower base, the switchgear cabinet in
       referred to as type 2 surge arresters and are tested by means   the nacelle and the pitch system in the hub by means of a TN-C
       of impulse currents of 8/20 μs waveform.     system (L1, L2, L3, PEN conductor). The switchgear cabinet in
       According to the lightning protection zone concept, all incom-  the nacelle supplies the electrical equipment in the nacelle
       ing cables and lines must be integrated in the lightning equipo-  with an a.c. voltage of 230/400 V.
       tential bonding system by means of type 1 lightning current ar-  According  to  IEC  60364-4-44,  all  pieces  of  electrical  equip-
       resters at the boundary from LPZ 0 A  to LPZ 1 or from LPZ 0 A  to    ment installed in a wind turbine must have a specific rated
       LPZ 2. This affects both power supply and communication lines.   impulse withstand voltage according to the nominal voltage
       An additional local equipotential bonding system where all ca-  of the wind turbine (see IEC 60664-1 (EN 60664-1): Table 1,
       bles and lines entering this boundary are integrated must be   insulation coordination). This means that the surge arresters
       established for every further zone boundary within the volume   to be installed must have at least the specified voltage pro-
       to be protected. Type 2 surge arresters must be installed at   tection level according to the nominal voltage of the wind
       the transition from LPZ 0 B  to LPZ 1 and from LPZ 1 to LPZ 2,   turbine. Surge arresters used to protect the 400/690 V supply
       whereas type 3 surge arresters must be provided at the transi-  must have a minimum voltage protection level U p  ≤ 2.5 kV,
       tion from LPZ 2 to LPZ 3. The function of type 2 and type 3   whereas surge arresters used to protect the 230/400 V supply
       surge arresters is to further reduce the residual interference of   must have a voltage protection level U p  ≤ 1.5 kV to ensure pro-
       the upstream protection stages and to limit the surges induced   tection of sensitive electrical / electronic equipment (Figures
       on the wind turbine or generated in the wind turbine.  9.16.6 and 9.16.7).
                                                    Surge protective devices shall be  capable of discharging light-
       Selection of SPDs based on the voltage protection   ning currents of 10/350 μs waveform without destruction and
       level (U p ) and the immunity of the equipment  shall have a voltage protection level of U p  ≤ 2.5 kV (Figure
       To describe the required voltage protection level U p  in an LPZ,   9.16.8).
       the immunity levels of the equipment located in an LPZ must
       be defined, e.g. for power lines and connections of equipment   Protection of the transformer infeed
       according to lEC 61000-4-5 (EN 61000-4-5) and lEC 60664-1     The medium-voltage transformer infeed is protected by
       (EN 60664-1), for telecommunication lines and connections   DEHNmid medium-voltage arresters which must be adapted
       of equipment according to lEC 61000-4-5 (EN 61000-4-5),    to the system configuration and voltage of the medium-volt-
       ITU-T K.20 and ITU-T K.21 and for other lines and connections   age system (Figure 9.16.9).
       of  equipment  according  to  the  manufacturer’s  instructions.
       Manufacturers of electrical and electronic components or de-  230/400 V supply
       vices should be able to provide the required information on the   Type 2 surge arresters, for example DEHNguard M TNC 275 CI FM,
       immunity level according to the EMC standards. If this is not   should be used to protect the voltage supply of the control
       the case, the wind turbine manufacturer should perform tests   cabinet in the tower base, the switchgear cabinet in the na-

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