Page 347 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 347

Foundation earth electrodes                  minimum dimensions of 30 mm x 3.5 mm. It must be ob-
          Foundation earth electrodes make technical and economic   served that this material must be covered with a concrete
          sense and are required in the German Technical Connection   layer of at least 5 cm (corrosion protection). The foundation
          Conditions (TAB) published by German distribution network   earth electrode must be connected to the main earthing bus-
          operators. They are part of the electrical installation and fulfil   bar in the wind turbine. Corrosion-resistant connections must
          essential safety functions. For this reason, they must be in-  be established via fixed earthing terminals or terminal lugs
          stalled by or under supervision of an electricians.   made of stainless steel (V4A). Moreover, a ring earth elec-
          The metals used for earth electrodes must comply with the   trode made of stainless steel (V4A) must be installed in the
          materials listed in Table 7 of lEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3). The   ground.
          corrosion behaviour of metal in the ground must be observed
          at any time.                                 Internal lightning protection measures
          Foundation earth electrodes must be made of galvanised or
          non-galvanised (round or strip) steel. Round steel must have   ¨  Earthing and equipotential bonding measures
          a minimum diameter of 10 mm, while strip steel must have   ¨  Spatial shielding and separation distance

                                                                  Nr.                      Art.-Nr.
                                                                      Equipotential bonding bar
                                                                      for industrial use   472 209
                                                                      Wire, stainless steel
                                              concrete foundation                         860 010
                                                                      Fixed earthing terminal,   478 011
                                                                      stainless steel (V4A)
                                                                      Cross unit,         319 209
                                              foundation earth electrode  stainless steel (V4A)
                                                                      Strip, 30 mm x 3.5 mm,
                                                                      St/tZn               810 335
                                                                      Pressure U-clamp     308 031
                                                                      MAXI MV clamp,       308 040
                                              ring earth electrode

          Figure 9.16.3  Earth-termination system of a wind turbine

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