Page 357 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 357

External lightning protection
          The antennas of the before mentioned systems are often in-
          stalled on rented roof space. The antenna operator and the
          building owner usually agree that the placement of anten-
          nas must not present an additional risk for the building. For
          the lightning protection system this means that no partial
          lightning currents may enter the building in case of a light-
          ning strike to the antenna tower since partial lightning cur-
          rents inside the building would threaten the electrical and
          electronic devices (Figure 9.17.2).
          Figure 9.17.3 shows an antenna tower with an isolated
          air-termination system.
          The  air-termination  tip  must  be  attached  to  the  antenna
          tower by means of a supporting tube made of non-conduc-
          tive material. The height of the air-termination tip depends
          on the antenna tower, possible electrical equipment of the
          antenna system and the base station (RBS) and must be se-
          lected in such a way that these elements are located in the
          protected volume of the air-termination system. In case of
          buildings with several antenna systems, several isolated air-
          termination systems must be installed.

          Radio base stations (RBS) with DEHNvap CSP
          combined arresters
          The power supply unit of the RBS must have a separate feed-
          er cable that is independent from the power supply unit of
          the building. A separate power sub-distribution board / floor
          distributor should be provided for cell sites. Every sub-distri-
          bution board is equipped with lightning and surge arresters
          (type 1 combined arresters) as standard. In addition, a type 1
          combined arrester is installed downstream of the meter
          panel, namely downstream of the fuses. To ensure energy
          coordination, surge protective devices (SPDs) from the same
          manufacturer should be used at both places of installation.
          Extensive laboratory tests at DEHN with power supply units   Figure 9.17.2  Basic design of the remote radio head / unit in case of
          from different manufacturers confirm that coordination of   roof-mounted systems
          combined arresters such as DEHNvap CSP (CSP = Cell Site
          Protection) with the integrated input circuits of the power   ¨  Base station / radio base station (indoor or outdoor cabi-
          supply unit is essential.                      net)
          DEHNvap CSP 3P 100 FM spark-gap-based combined arrest-
          ers are used to protect the power supply unit (PSU) of a   ¨  Baseband unit / radio server
          base station. These type 1 arresters are specifically designed   ¨  Remote radio heads / units (RRHs / RRUs)
          for protecting power supply units in transmitting / receiving   The remote radio heads / units (active system technology) re-
          systems.                                     quire a separate 48 V d.c. power supply from the service room.
          When using combined arresters, “disconnection selectivity”
          with respect to upstream fuses must be ensured. Only ar-  To this end, shielded multi-wire copper cables with a cross-
          resters with sufficient follow current extinction and limita-  section of 6 to 16 mm  are typically used. In the majority of
          tion allow to avoid false tripping of system fuses and thus   cases, these d.c. cables are installed outside the building up
          disconnection of the power supply unit.      to the roof surface and the RRHs / RRUs or from the base sta-
                                                       tion to the mast. Data communication between RRHs / RRUs
          Remote radio head / unit applications        and system technology is done via prewired glass fibre cables
          Cell sites consist of:                       instead of the previously used cables with corrugated sheath.

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