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Besides voice communication, mobile data communication   Conventional cell sites
       gained momentum with the commercial introduction of   Conventional cell sites use coaxial cables, also referred to as
       UMTS technology in 2003. Due to this increased demand for   waveguide cables. A clear disadvantage of this technology
       data volumes, the global demand for bandwidth also grew.   is the high transmission loss (up to 50 %), depending on the
       The increased use of smartphones and other mobile devices   cable length and cross-sections of the high-frequency ca-
       pushes current conventional network spectrums to their     bles. More over, the complete radio transmission technology
       limits.                                      is integrated in the base station / radio base station (RBS).
       The high investment costs for new network infrastructures   This requires permanent cooling of the technical equipment
       and system technology as well as high maintenance and   rooms and leads to an increased energy consumption and
       operating costs for existing cell sites are disadvantages mo-  increased maintenance costs (Figure 9.17.1).
       bile network operators using this modern and innovative
       technology have to deal with. Consequently, their aim is to   Cell sites with remote radio heads / units
       efficiently reduce maintenance and operating costs and to   Remote radio heads / units incorporate the high-frequency
       provide an ever growing number of mobile phone users with   technology  which was originally centrally integrated in
       considerably increased availability and reliability of mobile   the base station. The high-frequency signal is directly gen-
       services.                                    erated at the antenna and is then transmitted. Therefore,
       Mobile network operators and system technology manufac-  RRHs / RRUs are installed directly at the antennas, thus re-
       turers worldwide increasingly use remote radio head / unit   ducing loss and increasing the transmission speed. Another
       technology for UMTS (3G) and LTE (4G). Remote radio   benefit is that less air-conditioning systems are required due
       heads / units (RRHs / RRUs) are an enhancement of the third   to the self-cooling of the remote radio heads. Optical fibre ca-
       mobile radio generation.                     bles allow to transmit data between the base station / radio
       Remote radio head technology is not only used for commer-  base station and the remote radio heads / units up to 20 km.
       cial mobile radio applications, but also for the digital radio   The  use  of remote  system technology and modern small-
       systems of security authorities (BOS) such as police depart-  sized base stations saves energy costs as well as lease and
       ments and rescue services since these systems require high   location-related costs due to the reduced number of techni-
       reliability and availability.                cal equipment rooms (Figure 9.17.1).

              antennas                                                          antennas
               with                                                              with
                RET                                                               RET
                     jumper                                                jumper
                     cable                                                 cable
                                                        service room 2           remote
               TMAs                                                              radio
                                                        or outdoor PSU,          heads
                                                        if required  PSU

                   coaxial cable with                               optical fibre cable for
                   high signal attenuation                          lossless connection
                   up to max. ~ 50 m                                up to 20 km
                            service room                        service room 1
               base        air-                                        air-
               station  PSU  cond.  alarm                       alarm  cond.  PSU  radio
               node B  (large)  (large)  transm.                transm.  (small)  (small)  server
                         conventional design                   cell site with RRHs
                           RET: remote electrical tilt     TMA: tower-mounted amplifier     PSU: power supply unit

       Figure 9.17.1  Comparison: Conventional cell site (left) and cell site with remote radio head technology (right)

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