Page 361 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 361

I [kA]
                                                                    total current
                                                                          current flowing through the
                                                                          type 1 arrester (spark gap)

                                                                   current flowing
                                                                   through the varistor
                                                                   of the terminal equipment

                                                                 reduction of the impulse time
                                                                 “wave breaker function”
                                                                                            t [ms]

                                                       Figure 9.17.7  Spark-gap-based type 1 arrester (typical characteristic

                                                        I [kA]
                                                                    total current
          Figure 9.17.6  Prewired hybrid box for 48 V d.c. outdoor installa-  current flowing through the
                   tions with DEHNguard type 2 arrester                   varistor of the terminal equipment
                                                                                  energy conversion
          Customised solutions for 48 V d.c. remote radio                         in the type 2 arrester
          heads / units (type 2 arresters)
          Type 2 assembly systems as per IEC 61439-1 (EN 61439-1) /
          IEC 61439-2 (EN 61439-2) are also used depending on the
          protection philosophy of mobile network operators and   current flowing through
          system manufacturers, technical specifications and country-  the type 1 arrester (MOV)
          specific conditions. Varistor-based type 2 arresters with an
          extremely low voltage protection level such as DEHNguard                          t [ms]
          DG S 75 FM protect terminal equipment and are used for
          RRH / RRU installations with a nominal voltage up to 48 V   Figure 9.17.8  Varistor-based type 1 arrester (typical characteristic
          Figure 9.17.6  shows  a  prewired  type  2  assembly sys-
          tem in the form of a hybrid box (d.c. box) for indoor   Comparison of the protective effect of spark-gap-
          and  outdoor  installations.  The  lockable  glass-fibre  re-  based type 1 arresters with that of varistor-based
          inforced (GRP) enclosure with an IP 66 degree of pro-  type 1 arresters
          tection  provides space  for up to and including  six   Energy coordination with terminal equipment to be pro-
          RRHs / RRUs.  All  incoming  and  outgoing  lines  up  to    tected is an important advantage of spark gaps used in type
          48 V  d.c.  are  wired  on  terminal  blocks. This  provides  sig-  1 arresters (10/350 µs) over MOVs (metal oxide varistors).
          nificant  installation  benefits  for  the  installer,  in  particular
          in case of mast installation and retrofitting. For data com-  A so-called “wave breaker function” is achieved by the fast trig-
          munication, the d.c. hybrid box houses up to 12 LC Duplex   gering of the spark gap within a matter of microseconds, mean-
          adapters that accept the prewired glass fibre cable from the   ing that almost no current flows into the terminal equipment to
          technical equipment room. These adapters are connected to   be protected after the spark gap has ignited (Figure 9.17.7).
          the RRHs / RRUs via so-called jumper cables by the most di-  Thus, a relatively small amount of energy enters the terminal
          rect path. Easy-to-install accessories such as wall and mast   equipment even in case of extremely high impulse currents.
          brackets with tensioning strap ensure easy and fast instal-  This energy, however, is uncritical for the protective circuit in-
          lation.                                      tegrated in the input of the terminal equipment.

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