Page 442 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 442

The following standards are to be ob-
          served for the earth-termination system:
          DIN 18014 Foundation earth electrode
          (German), IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
          and DIN VDE 0151 (German)
          Material and minimum dimen-
          sions of earth electrodes
          with respect to corrosion

       Figure 9.32.6  Example of an intermeshed earth-termination system

       If the transmitter has an insulation strength of < 500 V a.c.,   be taken into account. According to the EC type examination
       the intrinsically safe measuring circuit is earthed. In this case,   certificate (PTB 99 ATEX 2092), the internal capacitances and
       surge protective devices which in case of a nominal discharge   inductances of BXT ML4 BD EX 24 surge protective devices
       current of 10 kA (8/20 µs wave form) have a voltage protection   (Figure 9.32.6) are negligible and do not have to be taken
       level below the insulation strength of the earthed transmitter   into account for the conditions of intrinsic safety (Table
       must be used (e.g. U p  (core / PG) ≤ 35 V).  9.32.2).

       Type of protection – Category ia, ib or ic?  Maximum values for voltage U i  and current I i
       The transmitter and the surge protective device are installed   According to its technical data, the intrinsically safe transmitter
       in Ex zone 1 so that type of protection ib is sufficient for the   to be protected has a maximum supply voltage U i  and a maxi-
       4 … 20 mA current loop. The surge protective devices used   mum short-circuit current I i  when used in intrinsically safe ap-
       (ia) fulfil the most stringent requirements and are thus also   plications (Figure 9.32.7). The rated voltage U c  of the arrester
       suited for ib and ic applications.           must be at least as high as the maximum open-circuit voltage
                                                    of the power supply unit. The nominal current of the arrester
       Permissible maximum values for L 0  and C 0  must also be at least as high as the short-circuit current I i  of
       Before an intrinsically safe measuring circuit can be put into   the transmitter to be expected in the event of a fault. If these
       operation, it must be demonstrated that it is intrinsically safe.   marginal conditions are not observed when dimensioning the
       To this end, the power supply unit, the transmitter, the cables   surge arresters, the surge protective device can be overloaded
       and the surge protective devices must fulfil the conditions of   and thus fail or the intrinsic safety of the measuring circuit is
       intrinsic safety. If required, energy buffers such as the induct-  no longer ensured due to an impermissible temperature rise on
       ances and capacitances of the surge protective devices must   the surge protective device.

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