Page 62 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 62

air-termination system  separation distance

                    lightning protection
                       system (LPS)

                     as per IEC / EN 62305

                air-termination system  down-conductor system  earth-termination system  separation distances  lightning equipotential bonding  earth-termination system  down-conductor system

                                                               lightning cur-  lightning cur-  equipotential bon-
                                                               rent arrester   rent arrester   ding for heating,
                                                       service   for 230/400 V,  for telephone  air-conditioning,
                                                       entrance   50 Hz  line     sanitary system
       Figure 4.1   Components of a lightning protection system

       The  function  of a lightning  protection system  is  to protect
       structures from fire or mechanical destruction and persons in
       the buildings from injury or even death.
       A lightning protection system consists of an external and an
       internal lightning protection system (Figure 4.1).

       The functions of the external lightning protection system are:  foundation earth electrode
       ¨  To intercept direct lightning strikes via an air-termination
         system                                                lightning equipotential bonding
       ¨  To safely conduct the lightning current to the ground via a
         down-conductor system                      Figure 4.2   Lightning protection system (LPS)
       ¨  to  distribute  the  lightning  current  in  the  ground  via  an
         earth-termination system
                                                    The four classes of LPS I, II, III and IV are determined using a
       The function of the internal lightning protection system is:  set of construction rules including dimensioning requirements
       ¨  To prevent dangerous sparking inside the structure. This is   which are based on the relevant lightning protection level.
         achieved by establishing equipotential bonding or main-  Each set comprises class-dependent (e.g. radius of the rolling
         taining a separation distance between the components of   sphere, mesh size) and class-independent (e.g. cross-sections,
         the lightning protection system and other electrically con-  materials) requirements.
         ductive elements inside the structure.
                                                    To ensure permanent availability of complex information tech-
       Lightning equipotential bonding reduces the potential differ-  nology systems even in case of a direct lightning strike, ad-
       ences caused by lightning currents. This is achieved by con-  ditional measures, which supplement the lightning protection
       necting all isolated conductive parts of the installation directly   measures, are required to protect electronic systems against
       by means of conductors or surge protective devices (SPDs)   surges. These comprehensive measures are described in chap-
       (Figure 4.2).                                ter 7 (lightning protection zone concept).

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