Page 65 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 65

rolling sphere              head of the
                                           downward    downward leader
           point afar from                 leader
           the head of the                             starting
           downward leader                             upward leader
                        starting                       closest point to
                        upward leader                  the head of the
                                                       downward leader

                                  final striking
                                distance h B
                                                                      A rolling sphere cannot only touch the
                                                                      steeple, but also the nave of the church at
                                                                      multiple points, as this model experiment
                                                                      shows. All these points are potential
                                                                      points of strike.
          Figure  Starting upward leader defining the point of strike  Figure  Model of a rolling sphere;
                                                                              source: Prof. Dr. A. Kern, Aachen

          downward leader. The head of the downward leader can only   between the peak value I of the lightning current and the final
          approach the earth within a certain distance. This distance is   striking distance h B  (= radius of the rolling sphere):
          defined by the continuously increasing electrical field strength
          of the ground as the head of the downward leader approach-  r = 10 I  0.65
          es. The smallest distance between the head of the downward   r in m
          leader and the starting point of the upward leader is called   I in kA
          the final striking distance h B  (corresponds to the radius of the
          rolling sphere).                             The protection of buildings against lightning is described in the
          Immediately after the electrical insulation strength is exceeded   IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) standard. Among other things, this
          at one point, the upward leader, which leads to the final strike   standard defines the classification into the individual lightning
          and manages to cross the final striking distance, is formed.   protection levels / classes of LPS and stipulates the resulting
          Observations of the protective effect of earth wires and pylons   lightning protection measures.
          were used as the basis for the so-called electro-geometric   It differentiates between four classes of LPS. Class of LPS I
          model.                                       provides the most protection and a class of LPS IV, by com-
                                                       parison, the least. The interception effectiveness E i  of the air-
          This is based on the hypothesis that the head of the downward   termination systems is concomitant with the class of LPS, i.e.
          leader approaches the objects on the ground, unaffected by   which percentage of the prospective lightning strikes is safely
          anything, until it reaches the final striking distance.   controlled by the air-termination systems. From this, the final
          The point of strike is then determined by the object closest to   striking distance and hence the radius of the rolling sphere
          the head of the downward leader. The upward leader starting   is obtained.  The relationships between lightning protection
          from this point “forces its way through” (Figure   level / class of LPS, interception effectiveness of the air-termi-
                                                       nation  systems,  final  striking  distance / radius  of  the  rolling
          Classes of LPS and radius of the rolling sphere  sphere and current peak value are shown in Table
          As a first approximation, a proportionality exists between the
          peak value of the lightning current and the electrical charge   Taking as a basis the hypothesis of the electro-geometric mod-
          stored in the downward leader. Furthermore, the electrical field   el that the head of the downward leader approaches the ob-
          strength of the ground as the downward leader approaches is   jects on the earth in an arbitrary way, unaffected by anything,
          also linearly dependent on the charge stored in the downward   until it reaches the final striking distance, a general method
          leader, to a first approximation. Thus there is a proportionality   can be derived which allows the volume to be protected of

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