Page 59 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 59

–  Earth resistance or loop resistance at the individual test   A maintenance routine should be prepared. This allows a com-
             joints with information on the measuring method and   parison between the latest results and those from an earlier
             the type of measuring device              maintenance. These values can also be used for comparison for
            –  Total earth resistance (measurement with or without   a later inspection.
             protective conductor and metal building installation)
          ¨  Inspector: Name of the inspector, inspector´s company /     The following measures should be included in a maintenance
            organisation, name of person accompanying the inspector,   routine:
            number of pages of the report, date of inspection, signature   ¨  Inspection of all conductors and components of the light-
            of the inspector´s company / organisation    ning protection system

                                                       ¨  Measuring the continuity of the installations of the light-
          Sample test reports according to the requirements of Supple-
          ment 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard are available   ning protection system
          at               ¨  Measuring the earth resistance of the earth-termination
          ¨  For general installations: Test report No. 2110  system
          ¨  For installations located in hazardous areas: Test report    ¨  Visual inspection of all surge protective devices (relates to
            No. 2117                                     surge protective devices installed on the incoming lines of
                                                         the power installation and information system) to detect
                                                         whether they are damaged or have tripped
          3.3.4  Maintenance                           ¨  Fixing components and conductors again
          Maintenance and inspection of lightning protection systems   ¨  Inspection to ascertain that the effectiveness of the light-
          must be coordinated. In addition to the inspections, regular   ning protection system is unchanged after additional in-
          maintenance routines should therefore also be defined for all   stallations or modifications to the structure
          lightning protection systems. The frequency of maintenance
          work depends on the following factors:       Complete  records should be kept of all maintenance work.
          ¨  Loss of quality related to the weather and ambient condi-  They should contain modification measures which have been
            tions                                      or must be carried out.
          ¨  Effects of direct lightning  strikes  and resulting  possible   These records make it easier to assess the components and
            damage                                     installations of the lightning protection system. They can be
          ¨  Class of LPS required for the structure under consideration  used to examine and update a maintenance routine. The main-
          Maintenance measures should be individually determined for   tenance records should be retained together with the design
          each lightning protection system and become an integral part   and the inspection reports of the lightning protection system
          of the complete maintenance programme for the structure.  for future reference.

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