Page 58 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 58

¨  The complete system complies with the technical documen-  3.4.3  Documentation
         tation,                                    A report must be prepared for each inspection. This must be
       ¨  The complete external and internal lightning protection   kept together with the technical documents and reports of pre-
         system is in good order and condition,     vious inspections at the installation / system operator´s prem-
       ¨  There are loose connections and interruptions in the con-  ises or at the offices of the relevant authority.
         ductors of the lightning protection system,  The following technical documents must be available to the
                                                    inspector when assessing the lightning protection  system:
       ¨  All earth connections (if visible) are in good order and con-  Design criteria, design descriptions, technical drawings of the
         dition,                                    external and internal lightning protection system as well as
       ¨  All  conductors  and  system  components  are  properly  in-  reports of previous maintenance and inspection.
         stalled and parts which provide mechanical protection are
         in good order and condition,               A report should contain the following information:
       ¨  Modifications  requiring  additional  protection  measures   ¨  General: Owner and address, manufacturer of the light-
         have been made to the protected structure,    ning protection system and address, year of construction
       ¨  The surge protective devices installed in power installations   ¨  Information on the structure: Location, use, type of
         and information systems are correctly installed,  construction,  type  of  roofing,  lightning  protection  level
       ¨  There is any damage or tripped surge protective devices,  (LPL)
       ¨  Upstream overcurrent protective devices of surge protec-  ¨  Information on the lightning protection system
         tive devices have tripped,                    –  Material and cross-section of the conductors
       ¨  Lightning equipotential bonding has been established for      –  Number of down conductors, e.g. test joints (designation
         new supply connections or extensions, which have been   according to the information in the drawing); separation
         installed inside the structure since the last inspection,   distance calculated
       ¨  Equipotential  bonding  connections  are  installed  in  the      – Type of earth-termination system (e.g. ring earth elec-
         structure and are intact,                      trode, earth rod, foundation earth electrode), material
                                                        and cross-section of the connecting lines between the
       ¨  Measures required for proximities between the lightning
         protection system and installations have been taken.  single earth electrodes
                                                      –  Connection of the lightning equipotential bonding sys-
       Measurements                                     tem to metal installations, electrical installations and
       Measurements are used to test the continuity of the connec-  existing equipotential bonding bars
       tions and the condition of the earth-termination system.  ¨  Fundamentals of inspection
       They must be made to check whether all connections of air-     –  Description and drawings of the lightning protection system
       termination systems, down conductors, equipotential bonding     –  Lightning protection standards and provisions at the
       conductors, shielding measures etc. have a low-impedance   time of installation
       continuity. The recommended value is < 1 Ω.
       The contact resistance to the earth-termination system at all      –  Further fundamentals of inspection (e.g. regulations, re-
       test joints must be measured to establish the continuity of the   quirements) at the time of installation
       lines and connections (recommended value < 1 Ω). Further-     –  Ex zone plan
       more, the continuity with respect to the metal installations   ¨  Type of inspection
       (e.g. gas, water, ventilation, heating), the total earth resistance     –  Inspection  at  the  design  stage,  inspection  during  the
       of the lightning protection system and the earth resistance of   construction phase, acceptance test, maintenance test,
       single earth electrodes and partial ring earth electrodes must   additional inspection, visual inspection
       be measured. The results of the measurements must be com-  ¨  Result of the inspection
       pared with the results of earlier measurements. If they sig-
       nificantly deviate from the earlier measurements, additional     –  Any modifications to the structure and / or the lightning
       examinations must be performed.                  protection system
       Note: In case of existing earth-termination systems which are      –  Deviations from  the  applicable  standards,  regulations,
       older than 10 years, the condition and quality of the earthing   requirements and application guidelines applicable at
       conductor and its connections can only be visually inspected   the time of installation
       by exposing it at certain points.               –  Defects found

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