Page 66 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 66

Probabilities for the limits of the    Radius of the rolling
          Lightning                                                          Minimum peak value
       protection level    lightning current parameters   sphere (final striking   of current
            LPL        > minimum values  < maximum values     distance h B )       I in kA
                                                                 r in m
             IV             0.84               0.95               60                16
             III            0.91               0.95               45                10
             II             0.97               0.98               30                 5
             I              0.99               0.99               20                 3
       Table  Relation between lightning protection level, interception probability, final striking distance h B  and minimum peak value of
                current I; source: Table 5 of IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1)

       any arrangement of objects to be investigated. A scale model   on the model; it is also possible to determine the areas which
       (e.g. on a scale of 1:100) of the object to be protected, which   can be hit by side flashes. The naturally protected volumes re-
       includes the external contours and, where applicable, the air-  sulting from the geometry of the object to be protected and its
       termination systems, is required to carry out the rolling sphere   surroundings can also be clearly seen. Air-termination conduc-
       method. Depending on the location of the object under inves-  tors are not required at these points (Figure
       tigation, it is also necessary to include the surrounding build-
       ings and objects since these could act as “natural protection   However, it must be observed that lightning footprints have
       measures” for the object under examination.  also been found on steeples in places which were not directly
       Furthermore, a true-to-scale sphere with a radius correspond-  touched as the rolling sphere rolled over. This, among other
       ing to the final striking distance (depending on the class of LPS,   things, is due to the fact that in the event of multiple light-
       the radius r of the rolling sphere must correspond true-to-scale   ning strikes, the base of the lightning strike moves because of
       to the radii 20, 30, 45 or 60 m) is required for the class of LPS.   the wind conditions. Consequently, an area of approximately
       The centre of the rolling sphere used corresponds to the head   one metre can come up around the point of strike determined
       of the downward leader towards which the respective upward   where lightning strikes can also occur.
       leaders will approach.
                                                    Example 1: New administration building in Munich
       The rolling sphere is now rolled around the object under ex-  At the design stage of the new administration building, the
       amination and the contact points which represent potential   complex geometry led to the decision to use the rolling sphere
       points of strike are marked in each case. The rolling sphere is
       then rolled over the object in all directions. All contact points   method for identifying the areas threatened by lightning
       are marked again. All possible points of strike are thus shown   strikes.
                                                    This was possible because an architectural model of the new
                                                    building was available on a scale of 1:100.
                                  rolling sphere    It was determined that class of LPS I was required, i.e. the ra-
                                                    dius of the rolling sphere in the model was 20 cm (Figure

                                                    The points where the rolling sphere touches parts of the build-
                      r                  r          ing can be hit by a direct lightning strike with a corresponding
                                                    minimum current peak value of 3 kA (Figure Con-
                    r                               sequently, adequate air-termination systems were required at
                                                    these points. If, in addition, electrical installations were local-
                                r                   ised at these points or in their immediate vicinity (e.g. on the
                                                    roof of the building), additional air-termination measures were
                      building                      taken at these locations.
                                                    The application of the rolling sphere method meant that air-
       Figure  Schematic application of the rolling sphere method    termination systems were not installed where protection was
                at a building with very irregular surface  not required. On the other hand, at locations where the pro-

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