Page 64 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 64

5.1  Air-termination systems                 ¨  Rolling sphere method
                                                    ¨  Mesh method
       The function of the air-termination systems of a lightning pro-
       tection system is to prevent that direct lightning strikes dam-  ¨  Protective angle method
       age the volume to be protected. They must be designed to   The rolling sphere method is the universal method of design
       avoid uncontrolled lightning strikes to the building / structure   particularly recommended for geometrically complicated ap-
       to be protected.                             plications.
       Correct  dimensioning  of  the  air-termination  systems  allows
       to reduce the effects of a lightning strike to a structure in a   The three different methods are described below.
       controlled way.
       Air-termination systems can consist of the following compo-  5.1.1  Types of air-termination systems and
       nents and can be combined with each other as required:
                                                          design methods
       ¨  Rods                                      Rolling sphere method – Electro-geometric model
       ¨  Spanned wires and cables                  For  cloud-to-earth  flashes,  a  downward  leader  grows  step-
       ¨  Meshed conductors                         by-step in a series of jerks from the cloud towards the earth.
       When determining the position of the air-termination systems   When the downward leader has got close to the earth within
       of the lightning protection system, special attention must be   a few tens, to a few hundreds of metres, the electrical insula-
       paid to the protection of corners and edges of the structure to   tion strength of the air near the ground is exceeded. A further
       be protected. This particularly applies to air-termination sys-  “leader” discharge similar to the downward leader begins to
       tems on the surfaces of roofs and the upper parts of façades.   grow towards the head of the downward leader: The upward
       Most importantly, air-termination systems must be mounted at   leader. This defines the point of strike of the lightning strike
       corners and edges.                           (Figure
       The following three methods can be used to determine the
       arrangement and the position of the air-termination systems   The starting point of the upward leader and hence the subse-
       (Figure 5.1.1):                              quent point of strike is determined mainly by the head of the

                                   air-termination rod  mesh size M
                                                                  down conductor
                                  protective angle

              h 2               α                                    rolling sphere

         h 1


                                                                        Maximum building height
                                                                      Class  Radius of the  Mesh
                                                                     of LPS rolling sphere (r) size (M)
                                                                       I      20 m     5 x 5 m
                                                                       II     30 m    10 x 10 m
                                                                       III    45 m    15 x 15 m
                                                                       IV     60 m    20 x 20 m

       Figure 5.1.1  Method of designing air-termination systems for high buildings

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