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fects of direct and indirect lightning strikes and maintenance   cludes recommendations for the intervals between the com-
          and repair measures should be taken, if required. A report of   plete test of a lightning protection system under average envi-
          the lightning protection system containing the design criteria,   ronmental conditions. The test intervals specified in regulatory
          design description and technical drawings should therefore be   requirements or regulations have to be considered as mini-
          available to the inspector. The inspections to be carried out are   mum requirements. If regulatory requirements prescribe that
          distinguished as follows:                    the electrical installation in the structure must be regularly
                                                       tested, the effectiveness of the internal lightning protection
          Inspection at the design stage               measures should be checked during this test.
          The inspection at the design stage should ensure that all as-
          pects of the lightning protection system with its components   Visual inspection
          correspond to the state of the art in force at the design stage   Lightning protection systems of structures and critical sections
          and must be carried out before the service is provided.
                                                       of lightning protection systems (e.g. in case of considerable
          Inspections during the construction phase    influence  from  aggressive  environmental  conditions)  must
          Parts of the lightning protection system which will be no   undergo a visual inspection between maintenance tests
          longer accessible when the construction work is completed   (Table
          must be inspected as long as this is possible. These include
          foundation earth electrodes, earth-termination systems, rein-  Additional inspection
          forcement connections, concrete reinforcements used as room   In addition to the maintenance tests, a lightning protection
          shielding as well as down conductors and their connections   system  must  be  inspected  if  fundamental  changes  in  use,
          laid in concrete. The inspection comprises checking of techni-  modification to the structure, restorations, extensions or repair
          cal documents, on-site inspection and assessment of the work   have been carried out on a protected structure. These inspec-
          carried out (see Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-3   tions should also be carried out when it is known that light-
          standard).                                   ning has struck the lightning protection system.
          Acceptance test
          The acceptance test is carried out when the lightning protec-  3.4.2  Inspection measures
          tion system has been completed. Compliance with the protec-
          tion concept (design) conforming to the standard and the work   The inspection comprises checking of technical documents, on-
          performed (technical correctness taking into consideration the   site inspection and measurements.
          type of use, the technical equipment of the structure and the
          site conditions) must be thoroughly inspected.  Checking of technical documents
                                                       The technical documents must be checked to ensure they are
          Maintenance test                             complete and comply with the standards.
          Regular maintenance tests are the prerequisite for a perma-
          nently effective lightning protection system. In Germany they   On-site inspection
          should be carried out every 1 to 4 years. Table in-  It must be checked whether:

                                                                              Complete inspection
                                    Visual inspection   Complete Inspection
          Class of LPS                                                       of critical situations  a) b)
                                        (year)                (year)
          I and II                        1                     2                     1
          III and IV                      2                     4                     1
          a)   Lightning protection systems utilised in applications involving structures with a risk caused by explosive materials should be visually
            inspected every 6 months. Electrical testing of the installation should be performed once a year. An acceptable exception to the yearly test
            schedule would be to perform the tests on a 14 to 15 month cycle where it is considered beneficial to conduct earth resistance testing over
            different times of the year to get an indication of seasonal variations.
          b)   Critical situations could include structures containing sensitive internal systems, office blocks, commercial buildings or places where a high
            number of people may be present.
          Table  Maximum period between inspections of an LPS according to Table E.2 of IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)

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