Page 70 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 70

The protective angle depends on the class of LPS and the
                                                    height of the air-termination system above the reference plane
                       angle α                      (Figure

                                                    Air-termination  conductors,  air-termination  rods,  masts  and
                                                    wires should be arranged in such a way that all parts of the
                                                    structure to be protected are situated within the protected vol-
                                                    ume of the air-termination system.
                   angle α
                                                    The protected volume can be “cone-shaped” or “tent-shaped”,
                                                    if a cable, for example, is spanned over it (Figures.
                                                    If air-termination rods are installed on the surface of the roof
                                                    to protect roof-mounted structures, the protective angle α can
                                                    be different. In Figure, the reference plane for pro-
       Figure  Example of air-termination systems with protective   tective angle α 1  is the roof surface. The protective angle α 2
                 angle α                            has the ground as its reference plane and therefore the angle
                                                    α 2  according to Figure and Table is less
                                                    than α 1 .
                                                    Table provides the corresponding protective angle for
            air-termination                         each class of LPS and the corresponding distance (protected
                                                    Protective angle method for isolated air-termina-
                                                    tion systems on roof-mounted structures
                                                    Special problems occur when roof-mounted structures, which
             α°          h 1
                                                    are often installed at a later date, protrude from the protected
                                                    volumes of the mesh. If, in addition, these roof-mounted struc-
                                                    tures contain electrical or electronic equipment such as roof-
                                                    mounted fans, antennas, measuring systems or TV cameras,
                                                    additional protection measures are required.
            Angle α depends on the class of LPS and the height
            of the air-termination conductor above ground  If such equipment is connected directly to the external LPS,

       Figure  Volume protected by an air-termination conductor  partial currents are conducted into the building in the event of
                                                    a lightning strike. This could result in the destruction of surge-
                                                    sensitive equipment. Direct lightning strikes to such structures
                                                    protruding above the roof can be prevented by isolated air-
                                                    termination systems.
                               α 2                  Air-termination rods as shown in Figure are suitable
           h 1           α 1          h 1
                                                    for protecting smaller roof-mounted structures (with electrical
                                          h 2
                                       H            They form a “cone-shaped” protected volume and thus pre-
                                                    vent a direct lightning strike to the roof-mounted structure.
        h 1 : Physical height of the air-termination rod  The separation distance s must be taken into account when
                                                    dimensioning the height of the air- termination rod (see chap-
        Note:                                       ter 5.6).
        Protective angle α 1  refers to the height of the air-termination system
        h 1  above the roof surface to be protected (reference plane).
        Protective α 2  refers to the height  h 2  = h 1  + H, where the earth   Isolated and non-isolated air-termination systems
        surface is the reference plane.             When designing the external lightning protection system of a
                                                    building, we distinguish between two types of air-termination
       Figure  Volume protected by an air-termination rod  system:

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