Page 96 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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break and considerably affect the compensation effect in case   ¨  The connections to conductive parts of the structure are
       of a fall. This is impermissible.               made wherever required.

       Lightning protection
       The rope of the safety rope system is part of a personal safety   5.2.1  Determination of the number of down
       system and must not be used as an air-termination system!   conductors
       If  lightning  current  is  injected  into  the  safety  rope  system,   The number of down conductors depends on the perimeter of
       the rope may be damaged by melting (reduced rope cross-  the external edges of the roof (perimeter of the projection onto
       section / reduced resistance). Therefore, the safety rope system   the ground surface). The down conductors must be arranged
       must be integrated in the external lightning protection system.
       Figures and show the basic principle.  to ensure that, starting at the corners of the structure, they are
       The safety rope system is located in the protected volume of   distributed as uniformly as possible to the perimeter.
                                                    Depending on the structural conditions (e.g. gates, precast
       the air-termination rods. To implement equipotential bonding,   components), the distances between the various down con-
       an electrically safe connection is established at the intersec-
       tions between the safety rope system and the lower air-termi-  ductors can be different. In each case, there must be at least
       nation mesh.                                 the total number of down conductors required for the respec-
       These connections must be capable of carrying lightning cur-  tive class of LPS.
       rents and must be established correctly according to the rel-  The IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) standard specifies typical dis-
       evant cable diameter. They must also be designed in such a   tances between down conductors and ring conductors for each
       way that they are not crossed by the rope guide / rope slide.   class of LPS (Table
       The connection set from DEHN specifically developed for this
       safety rope system provides the required lightning current car-  The exact number of down conductors can only be determined
       rying connection to an existing external lightning protection   by calculating the separation distance s. If the calculated sepa-
       system. The personal protective equipment does not have to   ration distance cannot be maintained for the intended number
       be unhooked, thus ensuring permanent fall protection. Figure   of down conductors of a structure, one way of meeting this shows an example of a correct installation. The rope   requirement is to increase the number of down conductors. The
       connecting clamp / terminal lug is designed in such a way that   parallel current paths improve the partitioning coefficient k c  .
       the rope guide / rope slide of the safety rope system can be   This measure reduces the current in the down conductors and
       passed over the connection without unhooking it. The entire   the required separation distance can be maintained.
       connection set, which forms the connection between the rope   Natural components of the structure (e.g. reinforced concrete
       system and the meshed network of the external lightning pro-  supports, steel frameworks) can also be used as down conduc-
       tection system, is positioned to ensure that the rope length   tors if continuous electrical conductivity can be ensured.
       can be lowered up to 1 m if a person falls and the connection   By interconnecting the down conductors at ground level (base
       does not break. To this purpose, the connection set must be   conductor) and using ring conductors for higher structures, it is
       provided with a longer connecting cable.     possible to balance the lightning current distribution which, in
                                                    turn, reduces the separation distance s.

       5.2  Down conductors                         The latest IEC 62305 (EN 62305) series attaches great signifi-
                                                    cance to the separation distance. The measures specified allow
       The down conductor is the electrically conductive connection   to reduce the separation distance for structures and thus the
       between the air-termination system and the earth-termination   lightning current can be safely discharged.
       system. The function of a down conductor is to conduct the
       intercepted lightning current to the earth-termination system
       without damaging the building e.g. due to intolerable tem-  Class of LPS  Typical distance
       perature rises.                                         I                  10 m
       To avoid damage caused during the lightning current discharge
       to the earth-termination system, the down conductors must be   II          10 m
       mounted to ensure that from the point of strike to the earth,  III         15 m
       ¨  Several parallel current paths exist,               IV                  20 m
       ¨  The length of the current paths is kept as short as possible   Table  Distances between down conductors according to
         (straight, vertical, no loops),                      IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)

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