Page 98 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 98  Natural components of a down
                             l 1
                                                    When using natural components of the structure as a down
                                                    conductor, the number of separately installed down conduc-
                   s                    l 2         tors can be reduced or, in some cases, no separately installed
                                                    down conductors are required.
                                                    The following parts of a structure can be used as natural com-
                                                    ponents of the down conductor:
                             l 3
                                                    ¨  Metal installations
                                                       These components can be used as natural down conductors
       Figure  Loop in the down conductor
                                                       provided that the various parts are safely connected on a
                                                       permanent basis and their dimensions meet the minimum
                                                       requirements for down conductors. These metal installa-
       It is recommended to mount down conductors in such a way   tions may also be incorporated into insulating material.
       that the required separation distance s is maintained from all   It is not permitted to use pipelines containing flammable
       doors and windows (Figure           or explosive materials as down conductors if the seals in
       Metal gutters must be connected with the down conductors at   the flanges / couplings are non-metallic or the flanges / cou-
       the points where they intersect (Figure  plings  of  the  connected  pipes  are  not  conductively  con-
       The base of metal downpipes must be connected to the equi-  nected in any other way.
       potential bonding or earth-termination system, even if the   ¨  Metal framework of the structure
       downpipe is not used as a down conductor. Since it is connect-    If the metal framework of steel frame structures or the in-
       ed to the lightning current carrying gutter, the downpipe also   terconnected reinforcing steel of the structure is used as
       carries a part of the lightning current which must be diverted   a down conductor, ring conductors are not required since
       to the earth- termination system. Figure illustrates   additional ring conductors would not improve the splitting
       a possible design.                              of the current.


                Connection must be   Only soldered or riveted     Figure  Air-termination system
                as short as possible,   downpipes may be used                connected to the gutter
                straight and vertical  as a down conductor

              s                                     s

                                                                  Figure  Earth connection of a
       Figure  Down conductors                                    downpipe

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