Page 101 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 101

The separation distance s between the air-termination and
               45 m                                    down-conductor systems and the structure must be main-
                                        metal capping of   tained. If the air-termination system consists of one or more
                 15 m                   the roof parapet  spanned wires or cables, each cable end on which the conduc-
                      courtyard                        tors are fixed requires at least one down conductor (Figure
                 7.5 m   > 30 m       courtyards with a cir-   If the air-termination system forms an intermeshed network
             30 m                     cumference of more   of conductors, i.e. the individual spanned wires or cables are
                                      than 30 m, typical
                                      distances according   interconnected to form a mesh (cross-linked), there must be
                                                       at least one down conductor on each cable end on which the
                                      to class of LPS
                                                       conductors are fixed (Figure
          Figure  Down-conductor systems for courtyards
                                                       5.2.4  High voltage-resistant, insulated down
          The effects of partial lightning currents flowing through inter-  conductor – HVI Conductor
          nal down conductors within the structure must be taken into
          account.  When designing the internal lightning protection   The main function of an external lightning protection system
          system, the resulting electromagnetic field in the vicinity of   is to intercept a lightning strike according to the principle of
          the down conductors must be considered (observe injection to   Benjamin Franklin, discharge it along the building and safely
                                                       conduct it to the ground. To prevent dangerous flashover be-
          electrical / electronic systems).
                                                       tween the parts of the external lightning protection system
                                                       and conductive parts inside the structure (electrical / electronic
                                                       equipment, pipes, ventilation ducts, etc.) resulting from a di-
  Courtyards                          rect lightning strike, it is imperative to maintain the separation
          Structures with enclosed courtyards with a perimeter of more   distance s when designing and installing a lightning protection
          than 30 m require down conductors with the distances shown   system.
          in Table (Figure         The separation distance s is calculated according to section 6.3
                                                       of the IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) standard.

          5.2.3   Down conductors of an isolated exter-  However, it is often impractical to keep the separation distance
                nal lightning protection system        in new and existing structures. For aesthetic reasons, modern
                                                       architecture often does not allow to use GRP spacers to lead
          If an air-termination system consists of air-termination rods   the down conductor to the ground. In modern industrial plants,
          on isolated masts (or one mast), they assume the function of   the roof is often the last installation level for equipment such
          an air-termination system and down conductor system at the   as ventilation and air-conditioning systems, antennas, differ-
          same time (Figure Each individual mast must be fit-  ent pipe systems and cable ladders. In this context, it is im-
          ted with at least one down conductor. Steel masts or masts   perative to observe lightning protection systems and maintain
          with interconnected reinforcing steel require no additional   the necessary separation distances. Direct lightning strikes
          down conductors. For aesthetic reasons, a metal flag pole, for   to structures protruding above the roof can be prevented if
          example, can also be used as an air-termination system.  air-termination systems dimensioned according to the rolling

              s                  s                                         mechanical fixing


          Figure  Air-termination masts isolated  Figure  Air-termination masts   Figure  Air-termination masts spanned
                   from the building             spanned with cables           with cross-linked cables

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