Page 94 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 94

Figure  Safety rope system used on a flat roof

                                                    Two different trades, namely the installation of the safety rope
                                                    system and the installation of the lightning protection system,
                                                    meet on the roof which must be coordinated at the intersection
                                                    of these two trades. With respect to personal safety, it can even
       Figure  FEM model of a self-supporting air-termination rod   be dangerous if two different tradesmen work on an “unknown”
                 with brace (length = 8.5 m)        system. Each of them should work independently and compe-
                                                    tently and observe the warranty obligation of the other party
                                                    involved. Therefore, only specialised companies should install
       The tilt resistance, break resistance and deflection are the de-  safety rope systems and qualified lightning protection special-
       cisive factors for designing air-termination rods. The post and   ists should work on external lightning protection systems.
       air-termination rod must be coordinated to ensure that the   Safety rope systems are prone to lightning strikes since they
       stress resulting from the wind speed according to wind zone 2   are installed about 30 m above a common air-termination
       do not cause tilting of the rod and / or damage it.  mesh. Therefore, many manufacturers of safety rope systems
                                                    point out in their installation instructions that safety rope sys-
       It must be observed that large deflections of the air-termina-  tems must be checked for lightning strikes and thus possible
       tion rod reduce the separation distance and thus intolerable   melting of metal resulting from the injection of lightning cur-
       proximities can occur. Higher air-termination rods require addi-  rents during their annual inspection. The Central Association
       tional braces to prevent such intolerable deflections of the tips   of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and the Committee for
       of air-termination rods. The measures described above ensure   Lightning Protection and Research (ABB) at the VDE has pub-
       that self-supporting air-termination rods can withstand wind   lished a bulletin in German language (Roof and wall-mounted
       speeds of wind zone 2 when used for their intended purpose.  external lightning protection systems).

       5.1.12  Safety systems and lightning
       Service and maintenance work is regularly carried out on the
       roof surfaces of industrial and commercial buildings. But also
       e.g. cleaning work on gutters and light strips involves a risk of
       falling. Therefore, it is quite common today that particularly
       flat-roofed industrial buildings are equipped with safety rope
       systems. The service personnel can only be hooked into the
       personal protective equipment (PPE) of the safety rope system
       (Figure or protected from falling by anchor points.
       The advantage of a safety rope system over an anchor point is
       that operators can walk along the rope by hooking the rope
       guide / rope slide into the safety rope system. Anchoring to the
       next fixed anchor point is not required. This increases safety at   Figure  Incorrect installation: Safety rope system intersects
       work and the acceptance of such a system.               the air-termination system

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