Page 97 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 97

If these measures are not sufficient to maintain the required   an additional PVC sheath or PVC-sheathed aluminium wire is
          separation distance, high voltage-resistant, insulated conduc-  used.
          tors (HVI Conductors) can also be used as an alternative. These   If the wall is made of highly combustible material and the tem-
          are described in chapter 5.2.4.              perature rise of the down conductors presents a hazard, the
          Chapter 5.6 describes how to exactly determine the separation   down conductors must be mounted in such a way that the
          distance.                                    distance between the down conductors and the wall is greater
                                                       than 0.1 m. The fixing elements may touch the wall. The in-
                                                       staller of the structure must specify whether the wall on which
          5.2.2  Down conductors for a non-isolated    a down conductor is to be installed is made of combustible
               lightning protection system             material.
          Down conductors are primarily mounted directly onto the   In Germany the terms flame-resistant, normally inflammable
          building (without separation distance). The reason for install-  and  highly  combustible  are  exactly  defined  in Annex  E.101
          ing them directly onto the structure is the temperature rise in   of Supplement 1 of the DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3)
          the event of lightning striking the lightning protection system.   standard.
          If the wall is made of flame-resistant or normally inflammable
          material, the down conductors may be installed directly on or
          in the wall.                         Installation of down conductors
          Owing to the specifications in the building regulations of the   The down conductors must be arranged in such a way that
          German federal states, highly combustible materials are gener-  they are the direct continuation of the air-termination conduc-
          ally not used. This means that down conductors can usually be   tors. They must be installed vertically in a straight line so that
          mounted directly on the building.            they represent the shortest most direct connection to earth.
                                                       Loops, e.g. on projecting eaves or structures, must be avoid-
          Wood with a density greater than 400 kg/m  and a thickness   ed. If this is not possible, the distance measured where two
          greater than 2 mm is considered to be normally inflammable.   points of a down conductor are closest and the length I of the
          Thus, the down conductor can be directly mounted on wooden   down conductor between these points must fulfil the require-
          poles, for example.                          ments on the separation distance s (Figure The
          If the wall is made of highly combustible material, the down   separation distance s is calculated by means of the total length
          conductors can be directly installed on the surface of the wall   l = l 1  + l 2  + l 3  .
          provided that the temperature rise when lightning currents   Down conductors must not be installed in gutters and down-
          flow through them is not dangerous.          pipes, even if they are incorporated into an insulating material
                                                       since the moisture in the gutters would cause corrosion of the
          Table shows the maximum temperature rise ΔT in K   down conductors.
          of the various conductors for each class of LPS. These values   If an aluminium down conductor is used, it must neither be
          mean that it is generally allowed to install down conductors   installed directly (without separation distance) on, in or under
          underneath the heat insulation because these temperature   plaster, mortar or concrete nor in the ground. If it is equipped
          rises do not present a fire risk to the insulation materials. This   with a PVC sheath, aluminium can be installed in mortar, plas-
          also ensures fire retardation.               ter or concrete if it is ensured that the sheath will not be me-
          When installing the down conductor in or underneath a heat   chanically damaged and the insulation will not break at low
          insulation, the temperature rise (on the surface) is reduced if   temperatures.

                                                       Class of LPS
            q      Ø
          [mm ]  [mm]      Aluminium             Iron             Copper        Stainless steel (V4A)
                       III + IV  II  I    III + IV  II  I   III + IV  II   I   III + IV  II   I
            16          146   454    *    1120    *     *     56    143   309    *      *     *
            50   8 mm   12     28    52    37    96    211    5     12     22   190    460   940
            78   10 mm   4     9     17    15    34     66    3      5     9     78    174   310
            * melting / vaporisation
          Table  Maximum temperature rise ΔT in K of different conductor materials

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