Page 215 - B_ELSB_Cat_2022_01_MCBs
P. 215


          MCBs technical details
          Particular supply sources and loads

          Fluorescent lamps. 230 VAC three-phase – Delta connection
          Type of lamp  Tube diss. pwr. [W]  Number of lamps per phase
          Single without   18       2    5     8    16    28   45    56   70    90   113   141  178   226  283
          capacitors  36            1    2     4    8     14   22    28   35    45   56    70   89    113  141
                     58             0    1     2    5     8    14    17   21    28   35    43   55    70   87
          Single with   18          4    8     12   24    40   64    81   101   127  162   203  255   324  406
          capacitors  36            2    4     6    12    20   32    40   50    64   81    101  127   162  203
                     58             1    2     3    7     12   20    25   31    40   50    63   79    100  126
          Double with   2x18=36     2    4     6    12    20   32    40   50    64   81    101  127   162  203
          capacitors  2x36=72       1    2     3    6     10   16    20   25    32   40    50   63    81   101
                     2x58=116       0    1     1    3     6    10    12   15    20   25    31   39    50   63
          In [A] - 3P circuit-break.  1  2     3    6     10   16    20   25    32   40    50   63    80   100

          Transformer protection                              Protection on the secondary side
          Insertion current                                   Due to the transformer’s high insertion current, the
          When the LV/LV transformers are powered up, very strong   circuit-breaker on the primary winding may not guarantee
          currents occur, which must be considered when selecting   thermal protection for the transformer and its feeder line
          the protective device. The peak value of the first current   on the primary side.
          wave often reaches a value between 10 and 15 times the
          transformer’s effective rated current.              This is typical of modular circuit-breakers which must have
                                                              a higher rated current than the transformers. In such cases,
          For power ratings below 50 kVA, it may reach between    in the event of a single-phase short-circuit at the
          20 and 25 times the rated current. This transient current   transformer’s primary terminals (minimum Icc at end of line),
          decreases very rapidly with a time constant T varying   check that the circuit-breaker’s magnetic releaser is tripped.
          from several ms to 10, 20 ms.                       In the normal application in distribution panels,
                                                              this condition is always satisfied provided that the length
          Main protection on the primary side                 of the feeder lines is reduced.
          The tables below are the result of a set of tests on
          co-ordination between circuit-breakers and BT/BT    The transformer can be provided with thermal protection
          transformers. The transformers used in the tests are   by installing a circuit-breaker with a rated current less than
          normalized. The table, referring to a primary supply   or equal to that of the transformer secondary winding
          voltage of 230 or 400 V and to single-phase and     immediately downstream of the LV/LV transformer.
          three-phase transformers, indicate which circuit-breaker
          should be used according to the transformer power rating.  In lighting systems protection against overloads is not
          The transformers considered have the primary winding   necessary if the number of light points is clearly defined
          outside the secondary winding.                      (no overloads).
          The circuit-breakers suggested allow:
          •  transformer protection in the event of maximum    Moreover, the Standard in force for these systems
           short-circuit;                                     recommends the omission of protection against overloads
          •  prevention of unwanted tripping when the primary    in circuits in which unwanted tripping may prove hazardous,
           winding is powered up using                        e.g.: circuits which supply fire-fighting equipment.
           1. modular circuit-breakers with a high magnetic threshold,
           curve D or K
          •  2. circuit-breakers with magnetic only releaser;
          •  guaranteed circuit-breaker electrical life.
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