Page 125 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 125

Earth resistance R A  (Ω)                     Voltage
           14                       ρ E  = 200 Ωm        100
           12                                            80
                                       l = 10 m                              II
           10                                            60
            8                                            40

            6                                            20
                                       l = 25 m                                    I
                                                                      10         20         30 m
            2                                                                        Distance from the
                                                            direction of             cross centre point
                        0.5        1         1.5              measurement II
                 l                     Burial depth (m)           45 °

                                                             direction of        side length 25 m
                  l = side length                            measurement I
          Figure 5.5.11  Earth resistance R A  of crossed surface earth elec-  Figure 5.5.12  Earth potential U E  between the supply line of the earth
                   trodes (90 °) as a function of the burial depth  electrode and the earth surface of crossed surface earth
                                                                 electrodes (90 °) as a function of the distance from the
                                                                 cross centre point (burial depth of 0.5 m)

          should be created in poorly conducting ground at acceptable   According to Figure 5.5.12, the earth resistance of a meshed
          costs.                                       earth electrode is calculated as follows:
          The earth resistance R A  of a crossed surface earth electrode
          whose sides are arranged at an angle of 90 ° to each other is   R =  E
          calculated as follows:                                         A   2 d
                                   l                   where d is the diameter of the analogous circle which has the
                   R =     E   ln   +1.75
                    A    4   l    r                    same area as the meshed earth electrode. It is determined as
          R A    Earth resistance of the crossed surface earth electrode
               in Ω                                    For rectangular or polygonal dimensions of the meshed earth
          ρ E    Earth resistivity in Ωm
          l    Side length in m                                        d =   4 A
          d    Half bandwidth in m or diameter of the round wire in m
          As  a  rough  approximation,  in  case  of  greater  arm  lengths    A    Area of the meshed earth electrode in m 2
          (l > 10 m), the earth resistance R A  can be determined using the
          total arm length from the equations in Table 5.5.1.   For square dimensions (edge length b):

          Figure 5.5.11 shows the curve of the earth resistance R A  of   d = 1.1 b
          crossed surface earth electrodes as a function of the burial
          depth; Figure 5.5.12 shows the curve of the earth potential.  Figure  5.5.13  shows  the  curve  of  the  conventional  earth
          In case of radial earth electrodes, the angle between the indi-  impedance of single-arm and multiple-arm surface earth elec-
          vidual arms should be greater than 60 °.     trodes in case of square-wave impulse voltages.

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