Page 135 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 135

can be considered to be an electrical insulator downstream of   or below the ground water level by means of pressure-water-
          the water penetration area. Thus, the foundation earth elec-  tight bushings.
          trode is no longer in contact with the soil.  Figures and show the arrangement of a
          For this reason, a ring earth electrode with a mesh size    ring earth electrode and a functional equipotential bonding
          ≤ 20 m x 20 m must be installed in the blinding layer or soil   conductor in a “white tank”.
          below the foundation slab of buildings with “white tank”. If
          a lightning protection system is required, the mesh size is re-  Waterproof wall bushings
          duced to ≤ 10 m x 10 m. This reduced mesh size is supposed   The electrical connection to the ring earth electrode must be
          to prevent possible puncture between the functional equi-  waterproof. The requirements, which are for example placed
          potential bonding conductor / reinforcement and the sealing   on “white tanks”, were also considered when developing the
          (concrete) to the ring earth electrode installed underneath the   waterproof  wall  bushing.  During  the  product  development
          concrete in case of a lightning strike.      process, special emphasis was placed on incorporating com-
          In addition, a functional equipotential bonding conductor with   ponent requirements as realistically as possible. The specimens
          a mesh size ≤ 20 m x 20 m must be installed in the foundation   were embedded in concrete (Figure and then sub-
          slab according to the German DIN 18014 standard. The proce-  jected to a pressure water test. Since installation situations
          dure is identical to that in case of a foundation earth electrode.  up to a depth of 10 m are common practice in the building
                                                       industry (e.g. underground car parks), this installation situa-
          The ring earth electrode must be connected to the concrete-  tion was transferred to the specimens by subjecting them to a
          embedded functional equipotential bonding conductor at in-  water pressure of 1 bar after the concrete had cured (Figure
          tervals of 20 m (perimeter of the building) or, if a lightning In a long-time test over 65 hours, the watertight-
          protection system is installed, to each down conductor of the   ness of the specimens was tested.
          lightning protection system to act as a combined equipotential   Capillary action is a problem for wall bushings. This means that
          bonding system according to IEC 60364-4-44 (HD 60364-4-44).    liquids (e.g. water) disperse differently in narrow gaps or ducts
          These connections can be made above the ground water level   in the concrete and are thus virtually drawn up or soaked into

                       main earthing busbar (MEB)
                                                                                    floor surface
              terminal lug for
              the down conductor
                                                                                   maximum ground
                                                                                   water level
                                                                                  foundation slab

                                                                                wall bushing

                                                                              blinding layer

                                                                            functional equipotential
                                                                            bonding conductor
                                                                           ring earth electrode
                    connection to
                    the reinforcement

          Figure  Three-dimensional representation of the ring earth electrode, functional equipotential bonding conductor and connections via
                    pressure-water-tight wall bushings

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