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alloy stainless steel, e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti, or fixed
                                                    earthing terminals (Figure

                                                    When installing the foundation earth electrode, the mesh size
                                                    must not exceed 20 x 20 m. This mesh size does not depend
                                                    on the class of LPS of the external lightning protection system

                                                    Nowadays, various types of foundations with different designs
                                                    and sealing versions are used.
                                                    Heat insulation regulations have also influenced the design of
                                                    strip foundations and foundation slabs.
                                                    If foundation earth electrodes are installed in new structures
                                                    based on DIN 18014, the sealing / insulation affects their in-
                                                    stallation and arrangement.
       Figure  Meshed foundation earth electrode
                                                    Connecting clamps for reinforcements
                                                    Foundation earth electrodes must be connected to the rein-
       The modern methods of laying concrete in reinforced concrete   forcement of the foundation slab at intervals of 2 m. To do so,
       foundations and then vibrating / compacting it ensure that the   there are various possibilities.
       concrete also “flows” under the earth electrode enclosing it   Clamping turned out to be the most cost-effective solution
       on all sides if the flat strip is installed horizontally, thus ensur-  since this connection can be made easily and quickly on site.
       ing corrosion resistance. Consequently, vertical installation of   Moreover, according to the latest lightning protection stand-
       the flat strip is not required when mechanically compacting   ards, reinforcing steel, for example, can be used as a natural
       concrete. Figure shows an example of the horizontal   component of the down-conductor system. Since the compo-
       installation of a flat strip as a foundation earth electrode. The   nents of the foundation earth electrode must be connected in
       intersections of the foundation earth electrode must be con-  such a way that they are permanently conductive and mechan-
       nected in such a way that they are capable of carrying currents.   ically stable, these connections are efficiently made by means
                                                    of screws according to IEC 62561-1 (EN 62561-1) (Lightning
       It is sufficient to use galvanised steel for foundation earth elec-  protection system components Part 1: Requirements for con-
       trodes.                                      nection components). More detailed information on this topic
                                                    can be found in chapter 5.8.
       Terminal lugs to the outside into the ground must be protected
       against corrosion at the point where they leave the structure.   Figure gives an overview of the nominal and outer
       Suitable materials are, for example, plastic sheathed steel wire   diameters as well as the cross-sections of reinforcing steel.
       (owing to the break risk of the plastic sheath at low tempera-  The outer diameter of reinforcing steel is decisive for selecting
       tures, special care must be taken during the installation), high-  the connection components / clamps.

                                            Nominal diameter d S           Outer diameter d A
             The outer diameter
             including the ribs is about
             d A  = 1.15 x d S

       Nominal diameter d s  (mm)          6    8   10   12   14   16   20   25   28  32   40
       Outer diameter including the ribs d A  (mm)  6.9  9.2  11.5  13.8  16.1  18.4  23  29  32  37  46
       Nominal cross-section (mm )        28.3  50.3  78.5 113.1  154  201  314  491  616  804  1257
       Figure  Diameters of reinforcing steels

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