Page 136 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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the building. These narrow gaps or ducts can occur during the
                                                    curing process and the resulting shrinkage of concrete.
                                                    Therefore, professional and proper installation of the wall
                                                    bushing into the formwork is essential. This is described in de-
                                                    tail in the relevant installation instructions.
                                                    Waterproof wall bushings for  “white tanks”, e.g. Part No.
                                                    478 550 (Figure
                                                    ¨  Version for installation into the formwork with water bar-
                                                       rier and M10/12 double thread on both ends is connected
                                                       e.g. to a ring earth electrode or equipotential bonding bar.
                                                    ¨  Adjustable depending on the wall thickness by means of
                                                       M10 thread and lock nut. The thread of the bushing can be
                   shortened, if required.
       Figure  Wall bushing installed in the formwork  ¨  Tested with compressed air of 5 bars according to
       Figure  Test setup (sectional view) with connection for the   IEC 62561-5 (EN 62561-5)
                 pressure water test
                                                    “Black tank”
                                                    The term “black tank” refers to the black multi-layer bitumi-
                                                    nous coating applied to the building in the soil to seal the
                                                    building. The building structure is covered with a bitumen /
                                                    tar mass over which typically up to three layers of bituminous
                                                    sheetings are applied (Figure Nowadays, a poly-
                                                    mer-modified bituminous coating is also used.
                                                    Due to the high insulation values of the materials used, it can-
                                                    not be ensured that a foundation earth electrode is in contact
                                                    with the soil. Here again, a ring earth electrode in conjunction
                                                    with a functional equipotential bonding conductor is required
                                                    (same procedure as for “white tanks”).

                                                    Wherever practical, the external ring earth electrode should be
                                                    led into the building above the building sealing, in other words
       Figure  Waterproof wall bushing     above the highest ground water level, to ensure that the tank
                                                    is waterproof in the long term (Figure Pressure-
                                                    water-tight penetration of the concrete is only possible by
                                                    means of special components.

                                                    Perimeter insulation
                                                    Nowadays, various types of foundations with different designs
                                                    and sealing versions are used.
                                                    Heat  insulation  regulations  have  also  influenced  the  design
                                                    of strip foundations and foundation slabs. If foundation earth
                                                    electrodes are installed in new structures based on the Ger-
                                                    man DIN 18014 standard, the sealing / insulation has an effect
                                                    on their installation and arrangement. Perimeter refers to the
                                                    wall and floor area of a building that is in contact with the soil.
                                                    Perimeter insulation is the heat insulation fitted around the
                                                    building. The perimeter insulation situated outside on the seal-
       Figure  Bituminous sheetings used as sealing material  ing layer encloses the building structure without forming heat

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