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pose. The earth electrode must be in contact with the soil for   5.5.2  Earth-termination systems, foundation
       at least 80 % of its total length to ensure that a type B earth   earth electrodes and foundation earth
       electrode can be used as a base for calculating the separa-  electrodes for special structural measures
       tion distance. The minimum lengths of type B earth electrodes
       depend on the class of LPS. In case of classes of LPS I and II,   Foundation earth electrodes – Type B earth
       the minimum earth electrode length also depends on the soil   electrodes
       resistivity (Figure                DIN 18014 (German standard) specifies the requirements for
       The mean radius r of the area encircled by a type B earth elec-  foundation earth electrodes of new buildings.
       trode must be not less than the specified minimum length l 1 .  Many national and international  standards prefer founda-
       To determine the mean radius r, the area under consideration   tion earth electrodes because, when properly installed, they
       is transferred into an equivalent circular area and the radius is   are embedded in concrete on all sides and are thus corrosion-
       determined as shown in Figures and  resistant. The hygroscopic characteristics of concrete typically
                                                    ensure a sufficiently low earth resistance.
       Sample calculation:                          The foundation earth electrode must be installed as a closed
       If the required value of l 1  is greater than the value of r cor-  ring in the strip foundation or floor slab (Figure and
       responding to the structure, further radial or vertical earth   thus primarily serves the purpose of functional equipotential
       electrodes (or inclined earth electrodes) must be added whose   bonding. The division into meshes ≤ 20 m x 20 m and the
       relevant lengths l r  (radial / horizontal) and l v  (vertical) result   connectors required to the outside to connect the down con-
       from the following equations:                ductors of the external lightning protection system and to the
                                                    inside for equipotential bonding must be considered (Figure
                       l = l   r
                       r    1              According to DIN 18014, the installation of the foun-
                                                    dation earth electrode is an electrical measure and must there-
                           l   r
                       l =  1
                                                       Foundation earth electrode
       The number of additional earth electrodes must not be less   – Round wire (Ø 10 mm) or strip (30 mm x 3.5 mm), St/tZn
       than the number of down conductors, but at least two. These   – Concrete cover of at least 5 m
       additional earth electrodes should be connected to the ring   – Closed ring
       earth electrode so as to be spaced equally around the perim-  – Connection to the reinforcement at intervals of 2 m by means
       eter.                                             of a clamp
                                                       Terminal lug        to main earthing busbar        and
       If additional  earth  electrodes  are  to  be connected  to the
       foundation earth electrode, the earth electrode material and   terminal lugs        for the external lightning protection system
       the connection to the foundation  earth electrode  must be   with SV clamp        at least 1.5 m long, easily identifiable
       observed. Stainless steel, e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti,   – Round wire, StSt, e.g. mat. No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti (V4A), 10 mm
       should be preferably used (see chapter 5.5.2, Figure  – Strip, StSt, e.g. mat. No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti (V4A), 30 x 3.5 mm
                                                       – Round wire, StZn, Ø 10 mm, with plastic sheath
       The following systems may place additional requirements on   – Fixed earthing terminal
       the earth-termination system:
       ¨  Electrical systems – Disconnection requirements of the rel-
         evant system configuration (TN, TT, IT systems) in accord-         ...  2 m ...
         ance with IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41)
       ¨  Equipotential bonding in accordance with IEC60364-5-54
         (HD 60364-5-54)
       ¨  Electronic systems – Data information systems
       ¨  Antenna  earthing  in  accordance  with  DIN  VDE  0855             Higher earth electrode
         (German standard)                                                    cross-sections may be re-
       ¨  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)                                 quired for buildings with
                                                                              transformer stations.
       ¨  Transformer station in or near the structure in accordance
         with EN 50522                              Figure  Foundation earth electrode with terminal lug

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