Page 139 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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foam glass gravel in the excavation pit, the excavation pit is   to use a spacer due to the high-density subgrade (wet mix
          covered with e.g. geotextiles.               aggregate with rocks, etc.).

          To be able to install a standard-compliant earth-termination   Reinforced strip foundations
          system for this type of perimeter insulation, the ring earth elec-  In case of reinforced strip foundations, the foundation earth
          trode must be installed in contact with the soil below the foam   electrode is embedded in concrete as a closed ring. The rein-
          glass gravel and geotextiles. Thus, compared to conventional   forcement is also integrated and connected in such a way that
          methods, the earth electrode is installed at an earlier stage. The   it is permanently conductive. Due to the risk of corrosion, it
          responsible company must be aware of the fact that the instal-  must be observed that the foundation earth electrode is cov-
          lation of the earth electrode must be incorporated at an early   ered by a concrete layer of 5 cm. The connection components /
          design stage, namely directly after the excavation work. Stain-  terminal lugs must be made of stainless steel (V4A).
          less steel (V4A), e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti, must be
          used for the round or flat conductor as well as for the required   Steel fibre concrete
          clamps and connectors which are directly installed in the soil.   Steel fibre concrete is a material which is produced by adding
          Also in this case, the functional equipotential bonding conduc-  steel fibres to the fresh concrete. In comparison to concrete
          tor must be installed in the foundation (see “White tank”).  without fibres, steel fibre concrete may be subjected to tensile
                                                       force (tensile strength) within certain limits so that the com-
          Pad foundations / point foundations          monly used concrete steel reinforcement can be completely
          Pad foundations, also referred to as point foundations, are of-  replaced in many cases. Steel fibre concrete foundations are
          ten used for industrial buildings. These pad foundations serve   made on site (cast or pumped).
          as a foundation, e.g. for steel supports or concrete beams of
          halls. The foundation slab is not closed. Since these structures
          also require a functioning earth-termination system, earthing
          measures are required for these pad foundations.

          Foundation earth electrodes made of round or flat steel (galva-
          nised) must have a length of at least 2.5 m in the pad founda-
          tions and must be covered by a concrete layer of at least 5 cm

          These “individual earth-termination systems” must be inter-
          connected to prevent potential differences in the earth-termi-
          nation system. This connection should be made on the lowest
          floor, preferably in contact with the soil. Both the connecting
          lines and the connection components of the pad foundation
          must be made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel (V4A).
          If these pad foundations are made of e.g. concrete with a high   Figure  Foundation earth electrode for pad foundations
                                                                  with terminal lug; source: Wettingfeld, Krefeld
          resistance to water penetration (waterproof concrete), a ring
          earth electrode made of stainless steel (V4A) with a mesh size
          ≤ 20 m x 20 m must be installed in the soil.

          Non-reinforced strip foundations
          Spacers must be used in non-reinforced foundations such as
          strip foundations of residential buildings. Only by using these
          spacers at intervals of approximately 2 m, it is ensured that
          the foundation earth electrode is “raised” and covered by a
          concrete layer of at least 5 cm on all sides (Figures
          Wedge connectors must not be used when compacting (vi-
          brating)  this  concrete  mechanically.  The  foundation  earth
          electrode must be directly positioned on the subgrade and
          must  be  made  of  stainless  steel  (V4A)  if  it  is  not  possible   Figure  Spacer with cross unit

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