Page 134 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 134

Figure  Use of dimpled membranes    Figure  Dimpled membrane

       cables or lines, connection components for the foundation   of at least 320 kg cement (low-heat cement). A low degree
       earth electrode or equipotential bonding must be permanently   of concrete shrinkage, the recommended minimum concrete
       waterproof or pressure-water-proof. The installer is responsible   compressive  strength  C25/30  and  the  water / cement  ratio,
       for the watertightness of the building.      which must be below 0.6, are equally important.
       The  term  waterproof  concrete  is  not  defined  in  the  latest
       concrete  production  standards. In  practice, concrete  with  a   Compared to previous years, moisture no longer penetrates
       concrete quality of e.g. C20/25 is used (compressive strength   some centimetres into the “white tank”. Modern concretes
       cylinder / cube in N/mm ).                   with a high resistance to water penetration only absorb 1.5 cm
       The watertightness of concrete mixes depends on the cement   of water. Since the foundation earth electrode must be covered
       content. 1 m  of waterproof concrete has a cement content   by a concrete layer of at least 5 cm (corrosion), the concrete
                                      Connection for the LPS      Pressure-water-tight
                                                                  wall bushing
                                                                  Part No. 478 530
                                      Waterproof concrete,
         Maximum ground water level   compressive strength
                                      ≥ C25/30, water / cement
                                      ratio < 0.6*

                                                                            Connecting clamp
                                                                            Part No. 308 025

                                                                                 Foundation slab
                Sealing tape              Main earthing busbar (MEB)               Reinforcement
                                          Part No. 563 200

           SV clamp
           Part No. 308 229
                                 Corrosion-resistant ring                          Membrane
                                 earth electrode, StSt (V4A)   Functional equipotential
         * Zement-Merkblatt H 10: Wasserundurch-  (e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti)  bonding conductor  Blinding layer
         lässige Betonbauwerke (
       Figure  Arrangement of the foundation earth electrode in case of a “white tank” according to the German DIN 18014 standard

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