Page 141 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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struction has the advantage that this connection is mechani-
                                                       cally highly stable, electrically safe and capable of carrying
                                                       lightning currents during the drive-in process.
                                                       ¨  With an earth electrode of type S, the soft metal in the
                                                         borehole deforms during the drive-in process, creating an
                                                         excellent electrical and mechanical connection.
                                                       ¨  With an earth electrode of type Z, the high coupling quality
                                                         is achieved by means of a multiply knurled pin.
                                                       ¨  With an earth electrode of type AZ, the high coupling qual-
                                                         ity is achieved by means of an offset multiply knurled pin.
                                                       Different striking tools are used to drive the earth rods into
                                                       the ground. When selecting these tools, it must be observed
          Figure  Ring earth electrode around a residential building  that the earth rod is driven into the ground with approximately
                                                       1200 strokes/min. A significantly higher number of strokes is
                                                       not advisable, since the striking energy is often not sufficient
          the earth electrode must be installed in such a way that they
          are in contact with the soil. If this is not possible, it has to be   to drive the earth rod deep enough into the ground. In case of
          checked if additional type A earth electrodes are required.  striking tools whose striking frequency is too low as is the case
                                                       with pneumatic tools, the striking power is much too high and
          The requirements on the minimum earth electrode length must   the number of strokes is too low. The weight of the striking tool
          be taken into account depending on the class of LPS (see chap-  should not exceed 20 kg.
          ter 5.5.1). When installing the ring earth electrode, it must be   The penetration depth of earth rods depends on various geo-
          also observed that it is buried at a depth > 0.5 m and 1 m   logical conditions. In light grounds, which can be found for
          away from the building. If the earth electrode is driven into the   example in coastal areas or wetlands, penetration depths
          soil as described before, it reduces the step voltage and thus   between 30 m to 40 m are possible. Where extremely hard
          controls the potential around the building.  grounds are encountered, for example in natural sandy
                                                       ground, penetration depths of more than 12 m are frequently
          This ring earth electrode should be installed in natural soil. If it   impractical. If conventional earth rods are used, the soil is not
          is installed in backfill or soil filled with construction waste, the   drilled out during the drive-in process, but pushed away by the
          earth resistance is reduced.                 earth rod. This compresses the soil around the earth electrode
          When choosing the earth electrode material with regard to   and ensures good electrical contact with the surroundings. The
          corrosion, local conditions must be taken into consideration. It   larger the outer diameter of the earth rod, the more soil is
          is advisable to use stainless steel. This earth electrode material   pushed away. For heavy grounds, for example, an earth rod
          does neither corrode nor subsequently require time-consuming   with an outer diameter of 25 mm is optimal with regard to
          and expensive reconstruction measures for the earth-termina-  the maximum drive-in depth and the soil pushed away by the
          tion system such as removal of paving stones, tar surfaces or   earth electrode.
          even steps for installing a new earthing material.  To drive earth rods into greater depths (penetration depths
          In addition, the terminal lugs must be particularly protected   > 6 m), it is recommended to use a hammer frame (Part No.
          against corrosion.

          5.5.4  Earth rods – Type A earth electrodes                                      Type S
          The sectional DEHN earth rods are made of special steel and
          are hot-dip galvanised or consist of high-alloy stainless steel
          (V4A), e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti. These earth rods are                  Type Z
          characterised by their self-closing coupling joint, which allows
          the earth rods to be connected without increasing their diam-
          eter.                                                                            Type AZ
          Each rod has a borehole at its lower end, while the other end
          of the rod has a corresponding pin (Figure This con-  Figure  Couplings of DEHN earth rods

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