Page 142 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 142

600 003) (Figure When using this hammer frame   ¨  The coupling joints of galvanised earth rods are also hot-
       with a striking tool, the striking energy is constantly applied to   dip galvanised
       the striking surface of the earth rod via the hammer insert. This   ¨  Easy to store and transport since the individual rods are
       is not ensured if no hammer frame is used and the striking tool   1.5 or 1 m long. The smaller individual rod length of
       is operated by hand. Therefore, it is not advisable to drive earth   1 m is particularly designed for subsequent installation
       rods more than 6 m into medium or heavy grounds without   e.g. into buildings (working height including vibration
       using a hammer frame.                           hammer).

       DEHN earth rods have the following benefits:
       ¨  Special coupling: no increase in diameter so that the earth   5.5.5  Earth electrodes in rocky ground
         rod is in direct contact with the soil across its full length  In rocky or stony ground, surface earth electrodes such as ring
       ¨  Self-closing coupling when driving the rods into the soil  or radial earth electrodes are often the only way to create
                                                    an earth-termination system. When installing the earth elec-
       ¨  Easy to drive in by means of a vibration hammer or manual
         beetle                                     trodes, the strip or round material is laid on the stony or rocky
                                                    ground. The earth electrode should be covered with gravel, wet
       ¨  Constant resistance values are achieved since the earth   mix aggregate or the like and should be made of stainless steel
         rods penetrate through soil layers which are unaffected by   (V4A), e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti. The clamping points
         seasonal changes in moisture and temperature  should be installed with care and should be protected against
       ¨  High corrosion resistance as a result of hot-dip galvanising   corrosion. They should consist of a similar corrosion-proof ma-
         (thickness of the zinc coating: 70 μm)     terial as the earth electrode.
       ¨  Earth rods made of galvanised steel and stainless steel
         (V4A), e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti, are available
                                                    5.5.6  Meshed earth-termination systems
                                                    An  earth-termination  system  can  fulfil  a  variety  of  func-
                                                    The purpose of protective earthing is to safely connect electri-
                                                    cal installations and equipment to the earth potential and to
                                                    protect human life and property in the event of an electrical
                                                    Lightning protection earthing ensures that the current from the
                                                    down conductors is safely discharged to the ground.
                                                    The function of functional earthing is to ensure safe and fault-
                                                    less operation of electrical and electronic systems.
                                                    The earth-termination system of a structure must be used for
                                                    all earthing tasks, in other words the earth-termination system
                                                    fulfils all earthing tasks. If this is not the case, potential differ-
                                                    ences can occur between the installations earthed on different
                                                    earth-termination systems.
                                                    In practice, “clean earth” used to be separated from light-
                                                    ning protection and protective earth for functionally earthing
                                                    electronic equipment. This is extremely unfavourable and can
                                                    even be dangerous. In the event of lightning effects, extremely
                                                    high potential differences up to some 100 kV occur in the
                                                    earth-termination system. This can lead to the destruction of
                                                    electronic equipment and life hazard. Therefore, IEC 62305-3
                                                    (EN 62305-3) and IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) require consist-
                                                    ent equipotential bonding within a structure.
                                                    Electronic equipment within a structure can be earthed ra-
                                                    dially,  centrally  or  by  meshes.  A  meshed  earth-termination
       Figure  Driving an earth rod into the ground by means of a   system should be preferably used. This depends both on the
                hammer frame and a vibration hammer  electromagnetic environment and on the characteristics of the

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