Page 144 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 144

An electrical isolation of parts of an installation acting as an-
       odes to prevent this cell formation is only possible in excep-  Copper rod with hole
       tional cases. Today the aim is to interconnect all earth elec-  for measurements
       trodes also with other metal installations in contact with the   Rubber plug
       soil to establish equipotential bonding and thus ensure maxi-
       mum safety against excessive touch voltages in the event of a   Ceramic cylinder with porous base
       fault and lightning effects.                                    Glaze
       In high-voltage installations, high-voltage protective earth
       electrodes  are  increasingly  connected  to  low-voltage  op-  Saturated Cu/CuSO 4  solution
       erational earth electrodes in accordance with IEC 60364         Cu/CuSO 4  crystals
       (EN 60364). IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41) / IEC 60364-5-54
       (HD 60364-5-54) requires to integrate pipework and other in-
       stallations in the protection measures against electric shock.   Figure  Application example of a non-polarisable measuring
                                                               electrode (copper / copper sulphate electrode) for
       Thus, the only way of preventing or at least reducing the risk   tapping a potential within the electrolyte (cross-
       of corrosion for earth electrodes and other installations con-  sectional view)
       nected to them is to choose suitable earth electrode materials.
       In Germany, the national DIN VDE 0151 standard “Material
       and minimum dimensions of earth electrodes with respect to   Reference electrode
       corrosion” is available since June 1986. Apart from decades of   is a measuring electrode for determining the potential of a
       experience in the field of earthing technology, the results of   metal in the electrolyte.
       extensive preliminary examinations have also been included in
       this standard. The fundamental processes leading to corrosion   Copper sulphate electrode
       are explained below. Practical anti-corrosion measures espe-  is an almost non-polarised reference electrode consisting of
       cially for lightning protection earth electrodes can be derived   copper in a saturated copper sulphate solution.
       from this and from the material prepared by the VDE task force   The copper sulphate electrode is the most common reference
       on “Earth electrode materials”.              electrode for measuring the potential of buried metal objects
       Terms used in connection with corrosion
       protection and anti-corrosion measurements   Corrosion cell
       Corrosion                                    is a galvanic cell with locally different partial current densities
       is the reaction of a metal material with its environment which   for dissolving the metal. Anodes and cathodes of the corrosion
       impairs the characteristics of the metal material and / or its en-  cell can be formed:
       vironment. In most cases, the reaction is electrochemical.
                                                    ¨  on the material
       Electrochemical corrosion                       due to different metals (contact corrosion) or different
       is corrosion during which electrochemical processes occur.   structural constituents (selective or intercrystalline corro-
       They only take place in the presence of an electrolyte.  sion).
                                                    ¨  on the electrolyte
       Electrolyte                                     due to different concentrations of certain substances with
       is an ion-conducting corrodent (e.g. soil, water, molten salt).  stimulating or inhibitory characteristics for dissolving the
       is an electron-conducting material in an electrolyte. The elec-  Potentials
       trode and electrolyte form a half-cell.
                                                    ¨  Reference potential
                                                       potential of a reference electrode with respect to the stand-
       electrode from which direct current passes into the electrolyte.  ard hydrogen electrode.
                                                    ¨  Electrical potential
       Cathode                                         is the electrical potential of a metal or an electron-conduct-
       electrode which absorbs direct current from the electrolyte.  ing solid in an electrolyte.

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