Page 143 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 143

workshop   warehouse                              administration

                                     power centre


                                                                          industrial chimney

          Figure  Intermeshed earth-termination system of an industrial plant

          electronic equipment. If a large structure comprises more than   5.5.7   Corrosion of earth electrodes
          one building and these buildings are connected by electrical  Earth-termination systems with a
          and electronic connecting cables, the (total) earth resistance   special focus on corrosion
          can be reduced by combining the individual earth-termination   Metals in direct contact with the soil or water (electrolytes)
          systems (Figure In addition, the potential differ-  can corrode due to stray currents, corrosive soils and cell
          ences between the buildings are also considerably reduced.   formation. It is not possible to protect earth electrodes from
          This significantly reduces the voltage load on the electrical and   corrosion by completely enclosing them, i.e. by separating the
          electronic connecting cables. The individual earth-termination   metals from the soil since all common sheaths used until now
          systems of the buildings should be interconnected to form a   have a high electrical resistance and therefore eliminate the
          meshed network. This meshed earthing network should be   effect of the earth electrodes.
          designed such that it contacts the earth-termination systems   Earth electrodes made of the same material are prone to corro-
          at the point where the vertical down conductors are con-  sion due to corrosive soils and the formation of concentration
          nected. The smaller the mesh size of the earthing network,   cells. The risk of corrosion depends on the material and the
          the lower is the potential differences between the buildings   type and composition of the soil.
          in the event of a lightning strike. This depends on the to-  Corrosion damage due to cell formation is on the rise. This cell
          tal area of the structure. Mesh sizes of 20 m x 20 m up to    formation between different types of metals with very differ-
          40 m x 40 m have proven to be cost-effective. If, for example,   ent  metal / electrolyte potentials  has been  known for  years.
                                                       However, it is often not known that the reinforcements of con-
          industrial chimneys (preferred points of strike) are installed,   crete foundations can also become the cathode of a cell and
          the connection components around the relevant part of the   hence cause corrosion to other buried installations.
          installation should be closer, and, if possible, arranged radially   Due to changing construction methods – larger reinforced con-
          with circular cross-connections (potential control). Corrosion   crete structures and smaller free metal areas in the ground –
          resistance  and compatibility  of materials must  be observed   the surface ratio of the anode / cathode is becoming more and
          when choosing the material for the conductors of the meshed   more unfavourable and the risk of corrosion for non-precious
          earthing network.                            metals inevitably increases.

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