Page 145 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 145  Formation of galvanic cells, corrosion  Such a concentration cell can be formed, for example, by two
          Corrosion processes can be clearly described with the help of   iron electrodes, one of which is fixed in iron-reinforced con-
          a galvanic cell. If, for example, a metal rod is immersed into   crete while the other lies in the ground (Figure
          an electrolyte, positively charged ions pass into the electrolyte   Connecting these electrodes, the iron in the concrete becomes
          and conversely, positive ions are absorbed from the electrolyte   the cathode  of the concentration  cell and the  iron in the
          by the metal band. This is called “solution pressure” of the   ground becomes the anode. The latter is therefore destroyed
                                                       by ion emission.
          metal and “osmotic pressure” of the solution. Depending on   For electrochemical corrosion it is generally the case that the
          the magnitude of these two pressures, either the metal ions   larger the ions and the lower their charge, the greater the
          from the rod pass into the solution (the rod becomes nega-  transport  of  metal  associated  with  the  current  flow  i  (this
          tive compared to the solution) or the ions of the electrolyte   means that i is proportional to the atomic mass of the metal).
          deposit on the rod (the rod becomes positive compared to the
          electrolyte). Voltage is thus applied between two metal rods in   In practice, the calculations are carried out with currents
          the same electrolyte.                        flowing  over  a  certain  period  of  time,  e.g.  one  year.  Table
          In practice, the potentials of the metals in the ground are specifies values which define the effect of the corro-
          measured with the help of a copper sulphate electrode which   sion current (current density) in terms of the quantity of metal
          consists of a copper rod immersed into a saturated copper sul-  dissolved. Corrosion current measurements thus make it pos-
          phate solution (Figure (the reference potential of   sible to calculate in advance how many grammes of a metal
          this reference electrode remains constant).  will be eroded over a specific period.
          In the following, it will be described how two rods made of   Of more practical interest, however, is the prediction if, and
          different metals are immersed into the same electrolyte. A volt-  over which period of time, corrosion will cause holes or re-
          age of a certain magnitude is now created on each rod in the   cesses in earth electrodes, steel containers, pipes etc. Thus,
          electrolyte. A voltmeter can be used to measure the voltage   it is important whether the current attack will be diffuse or
          between the rods (electrodes); this is the difference between   punctiform.
          the potentials of the individual electrodes compared to the   As far as the corrosive attack is concerned, it is not solely the
          electrolyte.                                 magnitude of the corrosion current which is decisive, but also,
          How does it come that current flows in the electrolyte and that   in particular, its density, namely the current per unit of area of
          material is transported, that is corrosion occurs?  the discharge area.
          If, as shown here, the copper and the iron electrode are con-  It is often not possible to directly determine this current densi-
          nected via an ammeter outside the electrolyte, for example, the   ty. In such cases, potential measurements are carried out from
          following (Figure is observed: In the outer circuit,   which the extent of the available "polarisation" can be read
          the current i flows from + to –, namely from the “more pre-  off. The polarisation behaviour of electrodes is discussed only
          cious” copper electrode according to Table to the   briefly here.
          iron electrode.                              Let us consider the case of a galvanised steel strip situated in
          In the electrolyte, in contrast, the current i must therefore flow   the ground and connected to the (black) steel reinforcement
          from the “more negative” iron electrode to the copper elec-  of a concrete foundation (Figure According to our
          trode to close the circuit. In general, this means that the more   measurements, the following potential differences occur here
          negative pole passes positive ions to the electrolyte and hence   with respect to the copper sulphate electrode:
          becomes the anode of the galvanic cell, in other words it is   ¨  Steel (black) in concrete: –200 mV to –400 mV
          dissolved. The metal is dissolved at those points where the cur-  ¨  Steel, galvanised, in sand: –800 mV to –900 mV
          rent enters the electrolyte. A corrosion current can also arise   ¨  Steel, galvanised, as good as new: about –1000 mV
          due to the concentration cell (Figure In this case,
          two electrodes made of the same metal immerse into differ-  Thus, there is a potential difference of 600 mV between these
          ent electrolytes. The electrode in electrolyte II with the higher   two metals. If they are now connected above ground, a current
          concentration of metal ions becomes electrically more positive   i flows in the outer circuit from concrete steel to the steel in the
          than the other.                              sand, and in the ground from the steel in the sand to the steel
                                                       in the reinforcement.
          This process is also referred to as polarisation. Connecting the   The magnitude of the current i is now a function of the voltage
          two electrodes enables the current i to flow and the electrode   difference, the conductance of the ground and the polarisation
          which is electrochemically more negative dissolves.  of the two metals.

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