Page 148 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 148

Previous examination results allow the conclusion that ϕ A  is   weeks, they are neutral to other (more precious and non-pre-
       much smaller than ϕ C  .                     cious) materials. Stainless steels should consist of at least 16 %
                                                    chromium, 5 % nickel and 2 % molybdenum. Extensive meas-
       The following applies for ϕ C  :             urements have shown that only high-alloy stainless steels with
       Steel in the ground    approx.  1 Ωm 2       material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti / AISI/ASTM 316 L, for example,
       Copper in the ground  approx.  5 Ωm 2        are  sufficiently  corrosion-resistant  in  the  ground.  Stainless
       Steel in concrete   approx. 30 Ωm 2          steels without molybdenum are not suited for use as earth
                                                    electrode material and are not permitted by the standard.
       From the area rule, however, it can be clearly seen that high
       corrosion effects occur both on enclosed steel pipes and tanks   Other materials
       with small defects connected to copper earth electrodes and   Other materials can be used if they are particularly corrosion-
       earthing conductors made of galvanised steel connected to   resistant in certain environments or are at least equivalent to
       extended copper earth-termination systems or extremely large   the materials listed in Table
       reinforced concrete foundations.
       The risk of corrosion for earth electrodes can be avoided or
       reduced by choosing suitable materials. To achieve a sufficient  Combination of earth electrodes made
       service life, the minimum material dimensions must be main-  of different materials
       tained (Table
                                                    The cell current density resulting from the conductive combi-
                                                    nation of two different buried metals leads to the corrosion of
                                                    the metal acting as anode (Table This cell current  Selection of earth electrode materials  density basically depends on the ratio between the size of the
       Commonly used earth electrode materials and their minimum   cathodic area A C  and the size of the anodic area A A  .
       dimensions are listed in Table      The German “Corrosion behaviour of earth electrode mate-
                                                    rials” research project has found that, when selecting earth
       Hot-dip galvanised steel                     electrode materials particularly regarding the combination of
       Hot-dip galvanised steel can also be embedded in concrete.   different materials, a higher degree of corrosion only has to be
       Foundation earth electrodes, earthing and equipotential bond-  expected in case of the following area ratio:
       ing conductors made of galvanised steel in concrete may be
       connected with reinforcing bars.                              A C  >100
       Steel with copper sheath                                       A
       In  case  of  copper-sheathed  steel,  the  comments  for  bare   Generally, it can be assumed that the material with the more
       copper apply to the sheath material. Damage to the copper   positive potential will become the cathode. The anode of a cor-
       sheath, however, presents a high risk of corrosion for the steel
       core. Therefore, a completely closed copper layer must always    Material    Material with a large area
       be applied.                                     with a   Galva-           Steel in
                                                     small area nised steel  Steel  concrete  Copper
       Bare copper                                   Galvanised            +
       Bare copper is very resistant due to its position in the electro-  steel  +  zinc removal  –  –
       chemical series. Moreover, when connected to earth electrodes   Steel  +  +  –      –
       or other installations in the ground made of more “non-pre-
       cious” materials (e.g. steel), bare copper additionally provides   Steel    +  +  +  +
       cathodic protection, however, at the expense of the more   in concrete
       “non-precious” metals.                        Steel with
                                                       copper     +        +       +       +
       Stainless steel                                 sheath
       Certain  high-alloy  stainless  steels  according  to  EN 10088-1   Copper /    +  +  +  +
       are inert and corrosion-resistant in the ground. The free corro-  StSt
       sion potential of high-alloy stainless steels in normally aerated   + combinable    – not combinable
       soils is mostly close to the value of copper. Since the surface of   Table  Material combinations of earth-termination systems
       stainless steel earth electrode materials passivate within a few   for different area ratios (A C  > 100 x A A )

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