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l [m]   is the length along the air-termination system or down   According to Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
               conductor from the point where the separation dis-  standard, the factor k m  can be calculated for multi-layered
               tance is to be determined to the next equipotential   brickwork. This factor k m  consists of the material thicknesses
               bonding or earthing point.              and the insulation properties of the materials (Figure 5.6.3).
                                                       The following formula is used to calculate the factor k m  :
          Coefficient k i
          The  coefficient  k i  (induction factor) of the relevant class of   (l k m1  +l k ...+lx k )
          LPS stands for the risk posed by the current steepness. It de-  k mtotal  =  l
          pends on the class of LPS and is specified in Table 10 of the         g
          IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) standard (Table 5.6.1).  where
                                                       k m   total    is the total material factor
          Material factor k m                          l 1 , l 2  … l x    stands for the material thicknesses
          The material factor k m  takes into consideration the insulation
          properties of the surroundings. The electrical insulation proper-  l g    is the total material thickness
          ties of air are assumed to be a factor 1. All other solid materials   k m  1, 2 … k mx   defines the insulation property of the relevant
          used in the building industry (brickwork, wood, etc.) insulate   material
          only half as well as air. This must also be taken into account
          for a roof-mounted air-termination rod. As shown in Figure   For a wall construction as shown in Figure 5.6.3, the material
          5.6.2, solid material (k m  = 0.5) is situated between the base of   factor k m total  is calculated as follows:
          the air-termination rod and the roof-mounted structure and an
          air clearance (k m  = 1) is situated between the top edge of the   k  =  (0.35m 0.5+ 0.08m 1+ 0.12m 0.5)
          roof-mounted structure and the air-termination rod.  mtotal        0.55m
          Since no other material factors than k m  = 0.5 and 1 are speci-
          fied in the standard, deviating values must be verified in tests   k m total  = 0.573
          or calculations. A factor 0.7 is specified for glass-fibre rein-
          forced plastic (GRP) which is used in the DEHN products for   However, in case of multi-layered brickwork connection ele-
          isolated air-termination systems (DEHNiso spacer, DEHNiso   ments are commonly used between the different materials
          Combi). This factor can be inserted in the calculation in the
          same way as the other material factors.
                                                               concrete       air       clinker
                                                               k m  = 0.5   k m  = 1   k m  = 0.5
               Class of LPS              k i
                    I                   0.08
                    II                  0.06                  l 1  = 0.35   l 2  = 0.08  l 3  = 0.12
                 III and IV             0.04                              l g  = 0.55
          Table 5.6.1  Induction factor k i            Figure 5.6.3  k m  in case of different materials with air clearance

                          k m  = 1                                        wires between
                            s                                              and clinker

                                                               concrete      wire       clinker
                                                               k m  = 0.5   k m  = 0   k m  = 0.5

                                                              l 1  = 0.35   l 2  = 0.08  l 3  = 0.12
                          k m  = 0.5                                      l g  = 0.55
          Figure 5.6.2  Material factors for an air-termination rod on a flat roof  Figure 5.6.4  k m  in case of different materials without air clearance

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