Page 20 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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fore, it is necessary to establish equipotential bonding for all
       exposed conductive parts in the building and all extraneous   air-termination
       conductive parts entering the building. If this is disregarded,   system  Î
       dangerous touch voltages may occur in case of a lightning
       strike.                                        down conductor
       The rise in potential of the earth-termination system as a re-
       sult of the lightning current also creates a hazard for electrical
       installations (Figure 2.2.4). In the example shown, the opera-
       tional earth of the low-voltage supply system is located outside
       the potential gradient area caused by the lightning current. If
       lightning strikes the building, the potential of the operational
       earth R B  is therefore not identical with the earth potential of          Û
       the consumer’s installation inside the building. In the example,   earth-termination system   remote earth
       the difference is 1000 kV. This endangers the insulation of the   with earth resistance R E
       electrical installation and the equipment connected to it.
                                                                         lightning impulse current
        ϕ  potential relative to    ϕ
           the reference point                                 current  Î
        r   distance from
           the point of strike
                                                    Figure 2.2.3  Potential rise of the building’s earth-termination system
                                                             with respect to the remote earth caused by the peak value
                                                             of the lightning current

                                                         secondary substation      I = 100 kA
       Figure 2.2.1  Potential distribution in case of a lightning strike to           PEN
               homogenous ground                                                   L1  L2  L3

                                                                                  R E  = 10 Ω
                                                                R B                         U E

                                                                              1000 kV
                                                                                            U E

                                                          distance r

       Figure 2.2.2  Animals killed by electric shock due to step voltage  Figure 2.2.4  Risk for electrical installations resulting from a poten-
                                                             tial rise of the earth-termination system

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