Page 21 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 21

2.3  Steepness of the lightning current      formation of a lightning channel, the lightning current rise in
              rise                                     case of a first stroke is not as steep as that of the subsequent
                                                       stroke, which can use an existing conductive lightning channel.
          The steepness of lightning current rise Δi/Δt, which is effec-  The steepness of the lightning current rise of the subsequent
          tive during the interval Δt, defines the intensity of the elec-  stroke is therefore used to assess the maximum induced volt-
          tromagnetically induced voltages. These voltages are induced   age in conductor loops. Figure 2.3.2 shows an example of
          in all open or closed conductor loops located in the vicinity   how to assess the induced voltage in a conductor loop.
          of conductors carrying lightning current. Figure 2.3.1 shows
          possible configurations of conductor loops in which lightning
          currents could induce voltages. The square wave voltage U in-  2.4  Charge of the lightning current
          duced in a conductor loop during the interval αt is:
                                                       The charge Q flash  of the lightning current consists of the charge
                                   i                   Q short   of  the  short  stroke  and  the  charge  Q long  of the long
                        U = M                          stroke. The charge
                                                                       Q = idt
          M    Mutual inductance of the loop
          Δi/Δt   Steepness of the lightning current rise  of the lightning current is decisive for the energy conversion at
                                                       the exact point of strike and at all points where the lightning
          As already described, lightning discharges consist of a number   current occurs in the form of an arc along an insulating clear-
          of partial lightning strikes. As far as the temporal position is   ance. The energy W converted at the base point of the arc is the
          concerned, a distinction is made between first and subsequent
          short strokes within a lightning discharge. The main difference
          between these two types of short strokes is that, due to the   M 2  (µH)
            building         Î / T1  down conductor                                        a = 10 m
                                     Loop of the down con-                                 a = 3 m
                                     ductor with possible   0.01                           a = 1 m
                                     flashover distance s 1  0.001
                          s 1                                -3                            a = 0.1 m
             s 3                     Loop of the down con-   0.1 · 10                      a = 0.3 m
                                     ductor and installation   0.01 · 10 -3 a = 0.01 m
                          s 2                                                     a = 0.03 m
                                     cable with possible      0.1   0.3   1    3    10    30  s (m)
                                     flashover distance s 2
                                     Installation loop with   Sample calculation
                                     possible flashover     based on an installation loop (e.g. alarm system)
                                     distance s 3
                      100 %                                             ∆i
               90 %
              current        lightning current                          ∆t
                    Î                                                            a  10 m
            10 %
                           time                                                  s  3 m
                    front time T 1                                   a           ∆i    kA
                                                                                 ∆t  150  µs
                      induced square-wave voltage               a    s              (high requirement)
              voltage  U

                                                            The following results for M 2  ≈ 4.8 µH from the diagram:
                 T 1                                        U = 4.8 · 150 = 720 kV
          Figure 2.3.1  Square-wave voltage induced in loops due to the    Figure 2.3.2  Sample calculation for induced square-wave voltages in
                  current steepness Δi/Δt of the lightning current  squared loops

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