Page 175 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Figure 5.9.6  Corrosion of a galvanised earth rod after 7 years  Figure 5.9.7  Corrosion of a galvanised earth rod (below) and a stain-
                                                                less steel earth electrode (above) after 2.5 years

          be observed. The exact values are specified in Table 3 of the     Nowadays numerous power supply systems are operated for
          German DIN VDE 0151 standard.                50 years or even longer, that is frequently far longer than the
                                                       service life of earth-termination systems made of conventional
          Bare copper                                  materials. Therefore, the earth-termination system must be di-
          Due to its position in the electrolytic series, bare copper is ex-  mensioned for this operating time. It is advisable to use stain-
          tremely resistant. In addition, it is cathodically protected when   less steel (V4A). Figure 5.9.6 clearly shows localised corro-
          connected to earth electrodes or other buried systems made of   sion of an earth rod after only seven years.
          more non-precious materials (e.g. steel), however, at the cost   Figure 5.9.7 shows that high-alloy stainless steel does not
          of the more non-precious materials.          corrode in the ground.
                                                       Reliable and correctly dimensioned earth-termination systems
          Hot-dip galvanised steel                     are vital for a functioning power supply to ensure personal
          When using galvanised material for buried earth electrodes,   and operational  safety. However, their  correct  operation  is
          the corrosion behaviour must be especially observed. In case   often taken as given without any question. In case of earth-
          of transformer stations, galvanised steel is typically embedded   termination systems for transformer stations, the technical re-
          in concrete (in the foundation slab of the building). This earth   quirements of the high-voltage and low-voltage systems must
          electrode embedded in concrete is connected to the ring earth   be considered in context. A global earth-termination system
          electrode. This direct connection forms a concentration cell. The   provides considerable advantages with regard to the hazard
          steel embedded in concrete has a higher potential (like copper)   potential of a possible earth potential rise U E . According to the
          and thus the more non-precious metal (galvanised steel in the   standard, dangerous touch voltages will typically not occur in
          ground) corrodes like a battery in the ground. The area ratio of   this case. To ensure that personal protection requirements are
          the two earth-termination systems is decisive for this electro-  met in the system parts connected to the earth-termination
          chemical corrosion. This is described in detail in chapter 5.5.7.  system even under fault conditions, a total earth resistance
                                                       R B  of the individual earth-termination systems of less than
          Stainless steel                              2  Ω  has  proven  its  worth  in  practice. The  minimum  cross-
          When using high-alloy stainless steel, the before mentioned ef-  sections of the earthing conductor and the earthing busbars
          fect can be virtually excluded. According to EN 10088-3, high-  of the installation must be observed with regard to the cur-
          alloy stainless steel is passive and corrosion-resistant in the   rent carrying capability in case of possible faults in the sta-
          ground. In the majority of cases, the free corrosion potential of   tion.  In  case  of  a  fault,  the  stress  on  the  earth-termination
          high-alloy stainless steel in conventionally ventilated grounds   system is reduced depending on the neutral point treatment
          is similar to that of copper. Since stainless steel earth electrode   (e.g. compensated system). In practice, the principles of the
          materials passivate at the surface within a few weeks, they   before mentioned standards and important notes by local dis-
          show a neutral behaviour with regard to other (more precious   tribution network operators must be observed. When design-
          or non-precious) materials. Stainless steel should consist of at   ing and dimensioning the earth-termination system, it often
          least 16 % chromium, 5 % nickel and 2 % molybdenum. Ex-  makes sense to assess the total earth resistance in advance to
          tensive measurements have shown that only high-alloy stain-  define all necessary measures before installing the installation.
          less steel (V4A), e.g. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti, is sufficiently protected   It is vital to pick a corrosion-resistant material for the earth
          against corrosion in the ground.             electrode of the earth-termination system. The examples de-

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