Page 172 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Time      St/tZn    Copper    StSt (V4A)  In case of a compensated system, for example, the earth-ter-
           [s]     [A/mm ]    [A/mm ]   [A/mm ]     mination system itself (namely the part in direct contact with
           0.3       129        355        70       earth) is loaded with a considerably lower current, namely only
                                                    with the residual earth fault current
           0.5       100        275        55
            1         70        195        37                      I = r I
                                                                     E      RES
            3         41        112        21
            5         31        87         17       reduced by the factor r (Table 5.9.1). This current does not
                                                    exceed some 10 A and can permanently flow without problems
       Table 5.9.2  Short-circuit current density G (max. temperature of 200 °C)  if common earthing material cross-sections are used. In the
                                                    low-voltage installation, a single-pole earth fault between the
       rying capability of the earthing conductors and the earthing   transformer and the low-voltage main circuit breaker would be
       busbars in the station building must be rated according to this   a possible critical fault. In case of an earth fault of a trans-
       value. In this context, current splitting can be considered in   former’s low-voltage winding (e.g. via the earthed transformer
       case of a ring arrangement (a factor of 0.65 is used in prac-  tank), a single-pole short-circuit current I’’ k1  will flow to the
       tice). According to Table 9.5.1, the earth electrode must have   main earthing busbar. From there, the fault circuit is closed via
       the same rating as the earthing conductor (except for installa-  the connected protective conductor of the low-voltage distribu-
       tions with arc suppression coil (transformer substations)). The   tion board and the PEN conductor to the neutral of the trans-
       fault current frequently splits in the earth-termination system,   former. In this case, the circuit breaker of the transformer or
       therefore it is permissible to dimension every earth electrode   the associated switch-disconnector / fuse combination would
       and earthing conductor for a part of the fault current. The de-  disconnect the installation on the high-voltage side. The earth-
       sign must always be based on the actual system data. Table   ing / protective conductor in the installation room is rated ac-
       5.9.2 shows the current carrying capability of different cross-  cording to section 543.1.2 of the IEC 60364-5-54 (HD 60364-5-
       sections and materials. The cross-section of a conductor can be   54) standard. The cross-section must be calculated as follows:
       determined from the material and the disconnection time. The       I
       EN 50522 standard specifies the maximum short-circuit cur-  S  =       t
       rent density G (A/mm ) for different materials (Figure 5.9.1).     k

                                                           fault   main low-voltage
                                  20 kV        0.4 kV             distribution board
                                         U1          U2                                 L1
               medium-                               V2                                 L2
               cable                                 W2                                 L3
                                   V1      W1                                           N
                                                     N                  PEN
                                    I k1 ‘‘
                             earthing of the transformer enclosure
                                       earthing of the cable shield     earthing conductor

                                                                        R E

       Figure 5.9.2  Single-pole fault in a transformer station with integrated main low-voltage distribution board

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