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systems are defined as an enclosed area where all earth-ter-  (typically up to max. 10 % of the uncompensated earth fault
       mination systems in this area act like a large common meshed   current) stresses the earth-termination system in case of a
       earth electrode. A global earth-termination system (industrial   fault. The residual current is further reduced by connecting the
       plants, residential areas) can typically be assumed if more than   local earth-termination system to other earth-termination sys-
       ten meshed earth-termination systems are installed in the   tems (e.g. by means of the connecting effect of the cable shield
       enclosed area. In case of a fault, a wide-ranging quasi equi-  of the medium-voltage cables). To this end, a reduction fac-
       potential surface is formed where by definition no dangerous   tor r is defined. If a system has a prospective capacitive earth
       touch voltages occur any more (Figure 5.9.1). U TP  = 80 V is   fault current of 150 A, a maximum residual earth fault current
       defined as maximum permissible sustained touch voltage in   of about 15 A, which would stress the local earth-termination
       high-voltage systems in case of a fault (disconnection time     system, is assumed in case of a compensated system. If the
       > 10 s). The maximum permissible touch voltage in low-volt-  local earth-termination system is connected to other earth-
       age systems is 50 V a.c. These values must be ensured in all   termination systems, this current would be further reduced.
       cases.                                       The earth potential rise would be:

       System configurations and the associated currents           U = I     Z
       to earth                                                      E    E   E
       Medium-voltage systems can be operated as systems with iso-
       lated neutral, systems with low-impedance neutral earthing,   I E    current to earth
       solidly earthed neutral systems or inductively earthed neutral   I C    capacitive earth fault current
       systems (compensated systems). In case of an earth fault,   I L    rated current of the arc suppression coil
       the latter allows to limit the capacitive current flowing at the   I RES    residual earth fault current
       fault location to the residual earth fault current I RES  by means
       of a compensation coil (suppression coil with inductance     I’’ kEE    double earth fault current
       L = 1/3 ω C E ) and is thus widely used. Only this residual current   I’ k1    line-to-earth short-circuit

                                                U vT

                  U E     U vT
                                                         U vS

        reference earth
        (at a sufficient                                                    A              B

                                     E                E                         E
                           1m       1m      S3  1m       cable with an insulated metal sheath; both ends
                                                         exposed; sheath is connected to earth at the station.
                without potential control  with potential control
        E      Earth electrode      U E   Earth potential rise (ERP)  A  Prospective touch voltage resulting from transferred
        S1, S2, S3  Potential grading electrodes   U vS   Prospective step voltage    potential in case of single-side cable sheath earthing
               (e.g. ring earth electrodes) con-  U vT   Prospective touch voltage  B  Prospective touch voltage resulting from transferred
               nected to the earth electrode E  ϕ  Earth surface potential    potential in case of a cable sheath earthed on both sides

       Figure 5.9.1  Definitions according to EN 50511, Figure 1

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