Page 171 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 171

I N    nominal current                       U 0    is the nominal voltage to earth of 230 V and
          r    reduction factor (e.g. for cable shields)  U B    is the agreed maximum touch voltage of 50 V
                                                       Thus, the following must apply: R B  / R E  ≤ 0.27. If an accidental
          Dimensioning of earth-termination systems with   contact resistance of 10 Ω (typical empirical value) is assumed
          respect to the earth potential rise          at the fault location, R B  must be ≤ 2.7 Ω. Therefore, in prac-
          When planning earthing measures for a medium-voltage sys-  tice a maximum limit of R B  = 2 Ω is often used for system
          tem, the possible earth potential rise U E  must be determined.   operation. This total earth resistance of the station earth must
          If U E   <  2 x U TP  , the earth potential rise is correctly rated. If    be documented before commissioning and must be tested at
          U E  < 4 x U TP  , compensating measures (e.g. potential control)   regular intervals.
          must be implemented. In special cases, additional measures
          must be taken; the exact procedure is described in Figure 5 of   Dimensioning of earth-termination systems with
          the EN 50522 standard. By definition, there is no impermissibly   respect to the current carrying capability
          high voltage rise if the relevant installation is part of a global   To dimension the current carrying capability of earthing con-
          earth-termination system. TN and TT systems are commonly   ductors and earth electrodes, different worst case scenarios
          used as low-voltage distribution systems, therefore other sys-  must be examined. In medium-voltage systems, a double earth
          tem configurations are not considered here. Particularly in TN   fault would be the most critical case. A first earth fault (for
          systems, a voltage may be transferred into the customer instal-  example at a transformer) may cause a second earth fault in
          lation in case of a fault. The voltage rise at the PEN conductor   another phase (for example in the medium-voltage system,
          must not exceed 50 V in TN systems and 250 V in TT systems.   faulty cable sealing end). In this case, a double earth fault cur-
          In this context, IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41) refers to the   rent I’’ kEE  , which is defined as follows according to Table 1 of
          so-called voltage balance. This is ensured if
                                                       the EN 50522 standard, will flow via the earthing conductors
                       R        U                      (Table 5.9.1):
                        B         B
                       R     (U   U )                               I ''    0.85 I ''
                        E      0    B                                 kEE           k
                                                       I’’ k  = three-pole initial symmetrical short-circuit current
          R B    is the total resistance of all operational earth
               electrodes                              In a 20 kV installation with an initial symmetrical short-circuit
          R E    is the earth contact resistance at a possible fault    current I’’ k  of 16 kA and a disconnection time of 1 second, the
               location                                double earth fault current would be 13.6 kA. The current car-

                                          Relevant for the thermal stress  Relevant for the earth poten-
            Type of high-voltage system
                                        Earth electrode  Earthing conductor  tial rise and touch voltages
          Systems with isolated neutral
                                            I ''              I ''               I = r I
                                              kEE              kEE                E    C
          Systems with resonant earthing (includes short-time earthing for fault detection)
          Stations without arc suppression coils  I '' kEE    I '' kEE           I = r I RES
          Stations with arc suppression coils  I '' kEE      I '' kEE   a)     I = r  I + I  2 RES
          Systems with low-impedance neutral earthing (Includes short-time earthing for tripping)
          Stations without neutral earthing  I '' k1          I '' k1            I = r I '' k1
          Stations with neutral earthing     I '' k1          I '' k1         I = r (I '' k1  I )   b)
          a)  The earthing conductors of the arc suppression coils have to be sized according to the maximum coil current.
          b)  It has to be checked if external faults may be decisive.
          Table 5.9.1  Decisive currents for measuring earth-termination systems according to Table 1 of EN 50522

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