Page 197 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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                       at least 50 mm (St/tZn)

                                earthing bus conductor

                               connection to the
                               earthing bus conductor


          Figure 7.3.9  Earthing bus conductor / ring equipotential bonding

          Reinforcement mats in concrete are suitable for shielding pur-  If an equipotential bonding network is installed in the light-
          poses. When upgrading existing installations, such reinforce-  ning protection zones, the magnetic field calculated according
          ment mats are also laid at a later date. For this type of design,   to the formulas given above is typically further reduced by a
          the reinforcement mats must be galvanised to protect them   factor of 2 (corresponds to 6 dB).
          from corrosion. These galvanised reinforcement mats are, for
          example, laid on roofs so that they overlap or are applied
          either externally or internally to the exterior wall to provide   7.3.1  Cable shielding
          shielding for the building.
          Figures 7.3.7a and b show the subsequent installation of   Cable shields are used to reduce the effect of the interference
          galvanised reinforcement mats on the roof of a building.  on the active cores and the interference emitted from the ac-
          To bridge expansion joints, connect the reinforcement of pre-  tive cores to neighbouring systems. From a lightning and surge
          cast concrete components and for connection to the external   protection point of view, attention must be paid to the follow-
          earth-termination system or the internal equipotential bond-  ing applications of shielded lines:
          ing system, the building must already be equipped with a suf-
          ficient number of fixed earthing terminals.  No shield earthing
          Figure 7.3.8 shows such an installation, which must be    Some installation systems recommend a shielded cable, but,
          taken into consideration for designing the preliminary building   at the same time, forbid shield earthing (e.g. KNX). If there
          works.                                       is no shielding connection, the shield is not effective against
          The magnetic field inside the structure is reduced over a wide   interferences and must therefore be thought of as being not
          frequency range by means of reduction loops, which arise as   there (Figure
          a result of the meshed equipotential bonding network. Typical
          mesh sizes are a ≤ 5 m.                      Double-ended shield earthing
          The interconnection of all metal components both inside and   A cable shield must be continuously connected along the whole
          on the structures results in a three-dimensional meshed equi-  of its length for good conducting performance and earthed at
          potential bonding network.  Figure 7.3.9 shows a meshed   least at both ends. Only a shield used at both ends can reduce
          equipotential bonding network with appropriate connections.  inductive and capacitive coupling (Figure

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