Page 209 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Material           Cross-section
                                                              Cu                  6 mm 2
                                                               Al                 10 mm 2
                                                               Fe                 16 mm 2
                                                       Table  Minimum cross-sections for internal equipotential
                                                                 bonding connections

                                                       7.7.2  Equipotential bonding for power supply
                                                       LPZ 1 – LPZ 2 and higher
                                                       Surge limitation and field attenuation is also achieved for the
                                                       transitions from LPZ 1 to LPZ 2 and higher by systematically
          Figure  Ring equipotential bonding and fixed earthing termi-  integrating the electrical power supply and data lines in the
                   nal for the connection of metal installations  equipotential bonding system at each LPZ transition in parallel
                                                       to all metal systems (Figure Shielding the rooms and
                                                       devices attenuates the electromagnetic effect.
          ¨  Metal water supply pipes
                                                       The function of the surge protective devices used at the tran-
          ¨  Metal conduits for lines                  sitions from LPZ 1 to LPZ 2 or higher is to further minimise
          ¨  Other metal pipe systems or conductive parts (e.g. com-  the residual values of upstream surge protective devices. They
            pressed air)                               must reduce induced surges affecting the lines installed in the
          The same cross-sections as described in chapter 6.2 must be   LPZ and surges generated in the LPZ itself. The discharge ca-
          used for the connecting cables of the equipotential bonding   pacity of the SPDs which must be used can be derived from
          bar leading to the earth-termination systems and other equi-  Table E.2 of the IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) standard. Type 2
          potential bonding bars.                      SPDs should therefore be capable of discharging at least 5 kA
          Reduced cross-sections can be used for these zone transitions   (8/20 µs) per phase without destruction. Depending on the
          to connect the metal installations to the equipotential bonding   location where the protection measures are taken, they can
          system (Table                      be either assigned to a device (device protection) (Figure

                      I 0  , H 0  primary source of interference  Primary source of interference defined according to the
                                                          lightning protection level chosen by means of:
                                                H 0
                           shield           H 1           IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1):
                                                          I 0  and H 0 : 10/350 μs, 1/200 µs and 0.25/100 μs impulse
                                                          Power supply installation with an immunity defined by
                             shield    H 2                IEC 60604-1: Overvoltage categories I to IV; telecommuni-
                                                          cation installation with an immunity defined by the ITU-T
                                                          recommendations K.20:2008, K.21:2003 and K.45:2003.
                                                          Electronic system (susceptible device) defined by the
                      electronic system                   immunity to conducted (U, I) and radiated (H) lightning
                        (susceptible                      effects:
                          device)    U 2  , I 2  U 1 , I 1  U 0  , I 0
                                                  partial  IEC 61000-4-5:  U: 1.2/50 μs impulse, I: 8/20 μs impulse
                            shield (enclosure)    lightning  IEC 61000-4-9:  H: 8/20 μs impulse,
                                                  current            (attenuated wave 25 kHz), T p  = 10 μs
                                                          IEC 61000-4-10: H: 0.2/5 μs impulse,
                                                                     (attenuated wave 1 MHz), T p  = 0.25 μs

          Figure  Lightning protection system with spatial shielding and coordinated surge protection according to Figure A.1 of IEC 62305-4
                   (EN 62305-4)

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