Page 255 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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It is precisely the widely distributed network of DDC stations   The  universal cabling system  comprises the  following  func-
          and the associated integration into building control systems   tional elements:
          which offer a large target for interference caused by lightning   ¨  Campus distributors (CD)
          currents and surges. If this causes failure of the entire lighting,
          air-conditioning or heating control system, this failure does not   ¨  Campus backbone cables
          only cause primary costs for the equipment, but also entails high   ¨  Building distributors (BD)
          costs for the consequences of this system failure. It can signifi-  ¨  Building backbone cables
          cantly increase the energy costs since peak loads can no longer   ¨  Floor distributors (FD)
          be analysed and optimised due to the fault in the control elec-
          tronics. If production processes are integrated in the BA, dam-  ¨  Horizontal cables
          age to the BA can lead to production downtimes and thus to   ¨  Consolidation point (optional) (CP)
          high economic loss. To ensure permanent availability, protection   ¨  Telecommunications outlet (TO)
          measures are required which depend on the risk to be controlled.
                                                       Groups of these functional elements are interconnected to
                                                       form cabling subsystems.
          8.2.3  Generic cabling systems (computer     Generic cabling systems contain three subsystems: The campus
               networks, telecommunication systems)    backbone, building backbone and horizontal cabling system.
          The European standard EN 50173 “Information technology –   These cabling subsystems are interconnected to form a generic
          Generic cabling systems” defines a universal cabling system   cabling structure as shown in Figure The relevant
          which can be used at locations with one or more buildings.   distributors allow any network topology such as bus, star, tree
          It deals with cabling systems consisting of balanced copper   and ring.
          cables and optical fibre cables. This universal cabling system   The campus backbone cabling subsystem extends from the
          supports a wide range of services including voice, data, text   campus distributor to the building distributors which are
          and images.                                  typically located in separate buildings. If present, it includes
                                                       the campus backbone cables, their terminations (both at the
          It provides:                                 campus distributor and building distributors) and the cross-
                                                       connects in the campus distributor.
          ¨  An application-independent and universal cabling system
            and an open market for (active and passive) cabling com-
            ponents                                    A building backbone cabling subsystem extends from building
                                                       distributor(s) to the floor distributor(s). It includes the build-
          ¨  Users with a flexible cabling topology that allows to easily   ing backbone cables, their mechanical terminations (both at
            make changes in a cost-effective way
                                                       the building distributor and floor distributors) and the cross-
          ¨  Building installers with a guideline which allows to in-  connects in the building distributor.
            stall the cabling before specific requirements are known
            (namely at the design stage irrespective of which platform   The horizontal cabling subsystem extends from the floor dis-
            is installed later)                        tributor to the telecommunications outlet(s) connected to it. It
          ¨  The industry and standardisation committees for network   includes the horizontal cables, their mechanical terminations
            applications with a cabling system, which supports current   at the floor distributor, the cross-connects in the floor distribu-
            products and forms a basis for future product development.  tor and the telecommunications outlets.

             CD               BD               FD       CP       TO

               campus backbone  building backbone    horizontal          work area      terminal
               cabling subsystem  cabling subsystem  cabling subsystem    cabling        device

                               universal cabling system

          Figure  Generic cabling structure

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