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excessive shading. Diffuse shadows cast by, for example
       overhead lines, do not significantly affect the PV system and
       the yield. However, in case of core shadows, a dark clearly   distance l
       outlined  shadow  is  cast  on  the  surface  behind  an  object,   Ø air-ter-  in m
       changing the current flowing through the PV modules. For   mination
       this reason, solar cells and the associated bypass diodes must   rod in mm
       not be influenced by core shadows. This can be achieved by
       maintaining a sufficient distance. For example, if an air-ter-  core shadow
       mination rod with a diameter of 10 mm shades a module,
       the core shadow is steadily reduced as the distance from the
       module increases. After 1.08 m only a diffuse shadow is cast
       on the module (Figure 9.18.4). Annex A of Supplement 5   Ø air-termination rod  x factor  = distance l
       of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard provides more de-  10 mm       108       1.08 m
       tailed information on the calculation of core shadows.
                                                           16 mm            108       1.76 m
       Special surge protective devices for the d.c. side of   Figure 9.18.4  Distance between the module and the air-termination
       photovoltaic systems                                   rod required to prevent core shadows
       The U/I characteristics of photovoltaic current sources are
       very different from that of conventional d.c. sources: They
       have a non-linear characteristic (Figure 9.18.5) and cause
       long-term persistence of ignited arcs. This unique nature of   U [V]
       PV current sources does not only require larger PV switches
       and PV fuses, but also a disconnector for the surge protec-    PV generator        U OC
       tive device which is adapted to this unique nature and capa-  U OC
       ble of coping with PV currents. Supplement 5 of the German
       DIN EN 62305-3 standard (subsection 5.6.1, Table 1) de-         U LB  = f (i)
       scribes the selection of adequate SPDs.
       To facilitate the selection of type 1 SPDs,  Tables 9.18.1    conventional   operating
       and 9.18.2 shown the required lightning impulse current   d.c. source
       carrying capability I imp  depending on the class of LPS, num-
       ber of down conductors of the external lightning protection                        I [A]
       systems as well as the SPD type (voltage-limiting varistor-                I SC
       based arrester or voltage-switching spark-gap-based ar-  Figure 9.18.5  Source characteristic of a conventional d.c. source
       rester). SPDs which comply with the applicable EN 50539-11     versus the source characteristic of a PV generator.
       standard must be used. Subsection of CENELEC     When switching PV sources, the source characteristic
       CLC/TS 50539-12 also refers to this standard.          of the PV generator crosses the arc voltage range

                               Number of down conductors of the external lightning protection system
                                          < 4                               ≥ 4
          Class of LPS and
        max. lightning current   Values for the voltage-limiting type 1 SPDs or type 1 combined SPDs (series connection)
            (10/350 µs)               based on a selection of I 8/20  (8/20 µs) and I 10/350  (10/350 µs)
                             I SPD1  = I SPD2  I SPD3  = I SPD1  + I SPD2  = I total  I SPD1  = I SPD2  I SPD3  = I SPD1  + I SPD2  = I total
                             I 8/20  / I 10/350  I 8/20  / I 10/350  I 8/20  / I 10/350  I 8/20  / I 10/350
         I or unknown  200 kA  17 / 10          34 / 20          10 / 5           20 / 10
             II      150 kA   12.5 / 7.5        25 / 15         7.5 / 3.75       15 / 7.5
          III and IV  100 kA   8.5 / 5          17 / 10          5 / 2.5          10 / 5
       Table 9.18.1   Selection of the minimum discharge capacity of voltage-limiting type 1 SPDs (varistors) or type 1 combined SPDs (series
                connection of varistors and spark gaps); according to CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12 (Table A.1)

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