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insulation) as required in the IEC 60364-4-41 standard. The
                                       metal substructure  combination of numerous technologies on the module and
                                                       inverter side (e.g. with or without galvanic isolation) results
                                       equipotential   in different earthing requirements. Moreover, the insulation
                                       bonding at least   monitoring system integrated in the inverters is only perma-
                                       6 mm  Cu        nently effective if the mounting system is connected to earth.
                                                       Information on the practical implementation is provided in
                                       external lightning   Supplement 5 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard. The
                                       protection system;   metal substructure is functionally earthed if the PV system is
                                       separation distance   located in the protected volume of the air-termination sys-
                                       s is maintained
                                                       tems and the separation distance is maintained. Section 7
                                                       of Supplement 5 requires copper conductors with a cross-
                                                       section of at least 6 mm  or equivalent for functional earthing
          Figure 9.18.1  Functional earthing of the mounting systems if no
                   external lightning protection system is installed or the   (Figure 9.18.1). The mounting rails also have to be perma-
                   separation distance is maintained (DIN EN 62305-3,   nently interconnected by means of conductors of this cross-
                   Supplement 5)                       section. If the mounting system is directly connected to the
                                                       external lightning protection system due to the fact that the
                                                       separation distance s cannot be maintained, these conductors
                                       metal           become part of the lightning equipotential bonding system.
                                       substructure    Consequently, these elements must be capable of carrying
                                                       lightning currents. The minimum requirement for a lightning
                                       equipotential   protection system designed for class of LPS III is a copper
                                       bonding at least   conductor with a cross-section of 16 mm  or equivalent.
                                       16 mm  Cu
                                                       Also  in  this  case,  the  mounting  rails  must  be  permanently
                                       external lightning   interconnected by means of conductors of this cross-section
                                       protection system;   (Figure 9.18.2). The functional earthing / lightning equipo-
                                       separation distance   tential bonding conductor should be routed in parallel and as
                                       s is not maintained
               lightning current                       close as possible to the d.c. and a.c. cables / lines.
               carrying connection                     UNI earthing clamps (Figure 9.18.3) can be fixed on all
                                                       common mounting systems. They connect, for example, cop-
          Figure 9.18.2  Lightning equipotential bonding for the mounting   per conductors with a cross-section of 6 or 16 mm  and
                   systems if the separation distance is not maintained  bare round wires with a diameter from 8 to 10 mm to the
                                                       mounting system in such a way that they can carry lightning
                                                       currents. The integrated stainless steel (V4A) contact plate
                                                       ensures  corrosion  protection  for  the  aluminium  mounting
                                                       Separation distance s as per IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
                                                       A certain separation distance s must be maintained between
                                                       a lightning protection system and a PV system. It defines
                                                       the distance required to avoid uncontrolled flashover to ad-
                                                       jacent metal parts resulting from a lightning strike to the
                                                       external lightning protection system. In the worst case, such
                                                       an uncontrolled flashover can set a building on fire. In this
                                                       case, damage to the PV system becomes irrelevant. Details
                                                       on the calculation of the separation distance s can be found
                                                       in chapter 5.6 and can be easily and quickly calculated by
                                                       means of the DEHN Distance Tool software (chapter 3.3.2).
          Figure 9.18.3  UNI earthing clamp: A stainless steel intermediate
                   element prevents contact corrosion, thus establish-  Core shadows on solar cells
                   ing reliable long-term connections between different   The distance between the solar generator and the external
                   conductor materials                 lightning protection system is absolutely essential to prevent

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