Page 364 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 364

At present, about one million PV systems are installed in   sult which is understood by all parties involved. The software
       Germany. Based on the fact that self-generated electricity   compares the risk with the technical expenditure and provides
       is generally cheaper and provides a high degree of electri-  economically optimised protection measures.
       cal independence from the grid, PV systems will become an   Section 4.5 (Risk Management) of Supplement 5 of the
       integral part of electrical installations in the future. How-  German DIN EN 62305-3 standard describes that a light-
       ever, these systems are exposed to all weather conditions   ning protection system designed for class of LPS III (LPL III)
       and must withstand them over decades.        meets  the  usual  requirements  for  PV  systems.  In  addi-
       The cables of PV systems frequently enter the building and   tion, adequate lightning protection measures are listed
       extend over long distances until they reach the grid connec-  in the German  VdS 2010 guideline (Risk-oriented light-
       tion point.                                  ning and surge protection) published by the German In-
       Lightning  discharges  cause  field-based  and  conducted   surance  Association.  This  guideline  also  requires  that
       electrical interference. This effect increases in relation with   LPL III and thus a lightning protection system accord-
       increasing cable lengths or conductor loops. Surges do not   ing to class of LPS III be installed for rooftop PV systems
       only damage the PV modules, inverters and their monitor-  (> 10 kW p ) and that surge protection measures be taken.
       ing electronics, but also devices in the building installation.   As a general rule, rooftop photovoltaic systems
       More importantly, production facilities  of industrial build-  must not interfere with the existing lightning pro-
       ings may also easily be damaged and production may come   tection measures.
       to a halt.
       If surges are injected into systems that are far from the pow-  Necessity of surge protection for PV systems
       er grid, which are also referred to as stand-alone PV systems,   In case of a lightning discharge, surges are induced on elec-
       the operation of equipment powered by solar electricity (e.g.   trical conductors. Surge protective devices (SPDs) which
       medical equipment, water supply) may be disrupted.  must be installed upstream of the devices to be protected
                                                    on the a.c., d.c. and data side have proven very effective in
       Necessity of a rooftop lightning protection system   protecting electrical systems from these destructive voltage
       The energy released by a lightning discharge is one of the   peaks. Section 9.1 of the CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12 stand-
       most  frequent  causes  of  fire. Therefore,  personal  and  fire   ard (Selection and application principles – SPDs connected
       protection is of paramount importance in case of a direct   to  photovoltaic  installations)  calls  for  the  installation  of
       lightning strike to the building.            surge protective devices unless a risk analysis demonstrates
       At the design stage of a PV system, it is evident whether a   that SPDs are not required. According to the IEC 60364-4-44
       lightning protection system is installed on a building. Some   (HD 60364-4-44) standard, surge protective devices must
       countries’ building regulations require that public build-  also be installed for buildings without external lightning
       ings (e.g. places of public assembly, schools and hospitals)   protection system such as commercial and industrial build-
       be equipped with a lightning protection system. In case of   ings, e.g. agricultural facilities. Supplement 5 of the German
       industrial or private buildings it depends on their location,   DIN EN 62305-3 standard provides a detailed description of
       type of construction and utilisation whether a lightning   the types of SPDs and their place of installation.
       protection system must be installed. To this end, it must be
       determined whether lightning strikes are to be expected or   Cable routing of PV systems
       could have severe consequences. Structures in need of pro-  Cables must be routed in such a way that large conductor
       tection must be provided with permanently effective light-  loops are avoided. This must be observed when combining
       ning protection systems.                     the d.c. circuits to form a string and when interconnecting
       According to the state of scientific and technical knowledge,   several strings. Moreover, data or sensor lines must not be
       the installation of PV modules does not increase the risk of a   routed over several strings and form large conductor loops
       lightning strike. Therefore, the request for lightning protection   with the string lines. This must also be observed when con-
       measures cannot be derived directly from the mere existence   necting the inverter to the grid connection. For this reason,
       of a PV system. However, substantial lightning interference   the power (d.c. and a.c.) and data lines (e.g. radiation sensor,
       may  be  injected  into  the  building  through  these  systems.   yield monitoring) must be routed together with the equipo-
       Therefore, it is necessary to determine the risk resulting from   tential bonding conductors along their entire route.
       a lightning strike as per IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) and to take
       the results from this risk analysis into account when installing   Earthing of PV systems
       the PV system. For this purpose, DEHN offers the DEHNsupport   PV modules are typically fixed on metal mounting systems.
       Toolbox software which allows to determine the risk. A risk   The live PV components on the d.c. side feature double or
       analysis performed by means of this software provides a re-  reinforced insulation (comparable to the previous protective

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