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Number of down conductors of the external lightning protection system
             Class of LPS and                < 4                               ≥ 4
           max. lightning current  Values for the voltage-switching type 1 SPDs or type 1 combined SPDs (parallel connection)
               (10/350 µs)
                               I SPD1  = I SPD2  I SPD3  = I SPD1  + I SPD2  = I total  I SPD1  = I SPD2  I SPD3  = I SPD1  + I SPD2  = I total
                                  I imp            I imp            I imp            I imp
            I or unknown  200 kA   25               50              12.5              25
                II      150 kA    18.5             37.5              9                18
             III and IV  100 kA   12.5              25              6.25             12.5
          Table 9.18.2   Selection of the minimum discharge capacity of voltage-switching type 1 SPDs (spark gaps) or type 1 combined SPDs (parallel
                   connection of varistors and spark gaps); according to CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12 (Table A.2)

                                                           Original   1. Activation   2. Arc   3. Electrical
                                                           state     of the   extinction  isolation

                                                               SCI       SCI        SCI       SCI
                                                       Figure 9.18.7  Switching phases of the three-step d.c. switching
                                                                 device integrated in DEHNguard M YPV SCI … (FM)
          Figure 9.18.6  DEHNcombo YPV SCI type 1 combined arrester for
                   protecting photovoltaic systems from surges and
                   partial lightning currents

          Type 1 d.c. arrester for use in PV systems:
          Multipole type 1 + type 2 combined d.c. arrester,
          DEHNcombo YPV SCI (FM)
          With their integrated SCI technology, DEHNcombo YPV SCI
          (FM) combined arresters (Figure 9.18.6)  fulfil  the  above
          mentioned requirements. In addition to the proven fault-re-
          sistant Y circuit, DEHNcombo YPV SCI (FM) features a three-
          step d.c. switching device (SCI technology). This d.c. switching
          device consists of a combined disconnection and short-cir-
          cuiting device with Thermo Dynamic Control and a fuse in the   Figure 9.18.8  DEHNlimit PV 1000 V2 spark-gap-based type 1
          bypass path. This circuit (Figure 9.18.7) safely disconnects   combined arrester
          the arrester from the generator voltage in case of an overload
          and reliably extinguishes d.c. arcs. Thus, DEHNcombo YPV SCI
          (FM) allows to protect PV generators up to 1000 A without   (FM) is available for voltages U CPV  of 600 V, 1000 V and 1500 V
          additional backup fuse. This arrester combines a lightning   and has a width of only 4 modules. Therefore, DEHNcombo
          current arrester and a surge arrester in a single device, thus   YPV SCI (FM) is the ideal type 1 combined arrester for use in
          ensuring efficient protection of terminal equipment. With its   photovoltaic power supply systems.
          discharge capacity I total  of 12.5 kA (10/350 µs), it can be flex-  Voltage-switching spark-gap-based type 1 SPDs, for example
          ibly used for the highest classes of LPS. DEHNcombo YPV SCI   DEHNlimit PV 1000 V2 (Figure 9.18.8), are another power-

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