Page 368 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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SCI       SCI

       Figure 9.18.9  Modular DEHNguard M YPV SCI … (FM) type 2 surge
                arrester with fault-resistant Y circuit and three-step
                d.c. switching device

                                                    Figure 9.18.11   DEHNguard type 2 SPD integrated in the inverter
                                                               for the a.c. and d.c. side

                                                    The numerous technologies combined in these arresters pre-
                                                    vent damage to the surge protective device due to insula-
                                                    tion faults in the PV circuit, the risk of fire of an overloaded
                                                    arrester and puts the arrester in a safe electrical state with-
                                                    out disrupting the operation of the PV system. Thanks to
                                                    the protective circuit, the voltage-limiting characteristic of
                                                    varistors can be fully used even in the d.c. circuits of PV
                                                    systems. In addition, the permanently active surge protec-
                                                    tive device minimises numerous small voltage peaks. Thus,
       Figure 9.18.10   Ready-to-install type 2 DEHNcube YPV SCI 1000 1M
                 surge arrester                     the SCI technology increases the service life of the entire
                                                    d.c.-side PV system.
       ful technology that allows to discharge partial lightning cur-  Selection of SPDs according to the voltage
       rents in case of d.c. PV systems. Thanks to its spark gap tech-  protection level U p
       nology and a d.c. extinction circuit which allow to efficiently   The operating voltage on the d.c. side of PV systems dif-
       protect downstream electronic systems, this arrester series   fers from system to system. At present, values up to 1500 V
       has an extremely high lightning current discharge capacity   d.c. are possible. Consequently, the dielectric strength of ter-
       I total  of 50 kA (10/350 µs) which is unique on the market.  minal equipment also differs. To ensure that the PV system is
                                                    reliably protected, the voltage protection level U p  of the SPD
       Type 2 d.c. arrester for use in PV systems: DEHNguard   must be lower than the dielectric strength of the PV system
       M YPV SCI … (FM) and DEHNcube YPV SCI ...    it is supposed to protect. The CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12
       Reliable operation of SPDs in d.c. PV circuits is also indis-  standard requires that U p  is at least 20 % lower than the
       pensable when using type 2 surge protective devices. To this   dielectric strength of the PV system. Type 1 or type 2 SPDs
       end, the DEHNguard M YPV SCI … (FM) and DEHNcube YPV   must be energy-coordinated with the input of terminal
       SCI ... surge arresters also feature a fault-resistant Y protec-  equipment. If SPDs are already integrated in terminal equip-
       tive circuit and the SCI technology (Figure 9.18.9 and   ment, coordination between the type 2 SPD and the input
       9.18.10) and are also connected to PV generators up to   circuit of terminal equipment is ensured by the manufac-
       1000 A without additional backup fuse.       turer (Figure 9.18.11).

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