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that an additional type 2 d.c. arrester be installed on the
                                                       module side if the distance between the inverter input and
                                                       the PV generator exceeds 10 m.
                                                       The a.c. outputs of the inverters are sufficiently protected if the
                                                       distance between the PV inverters and the place of installation
                                                       of the type 2 arrester at the grid connection point (low-voltage
                                                       infeed) is less than 10 m. In case of greater  cable lengths,
                                                       an additional type 2 surge protective device, for example
                                                       DEHNguard M … 275, must be installed upstream of the a.c.
                                                       input of the inverter as per CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12.
                                                       Moreover, a type 2 DEHNguard M … CI 275 (FM) surge pro-
                                                       tective device must be installed upstream of the meter of
                                                       the low-voltage infeed. CI (Circuit Interruption) stands for a
                                                       coordinated fuse integrated in the protective path of the ar-
          Figure 9.18.14   Determination of the protected volume using the   rester, allowing the arrester to be used in the a.c. circuit with-
                    protective angle method            out additional backup fuse. DEHNguard M … CI 275 (FM)
                                                       is  available  for  every  low-voltage  system  configuration
                                                       (TN-C, TN-S, TT).
          Application examples:                        If inverters are connected to data and sensor lines to moni-
          Building without external lightning protection    tor the yield, suitable surge protective devices are required.
          system (situation A)                         BLITZDUCTOR XTU, which features terminals for two pairs,
          Figure 9.18.12 shows the surge protection concept for a   for example for incoming and outgoing data lines, can be
          PV system installed on a building without external lightning   used for data systems based on RS 485.
          protection system. Dangerous surges enter the PV system
          due to inductive coupling resulting from nearby lightning   Building with external lightning protection system
                                                       and sufficient separation distance s (situation B)
          strikes or travel from the power supply system through the   Figure 9.18.13 shows the surge protection concept for a
          service entrance to the consumer’s installation. Type 2 SPDs   PV system with external lightning protection system and
          are to be installed at the following locations:   sufficient separation distance s between the PV system and
          ¨  d.c. side of the modules and inverters    the external lightning protection system.
          ¨  a.c. output of the inverter               The primary protection goal is to avoid damage to persons
                                                       and property (building fire) resulting from a lightning strike.
          ¨  Main low-voltage distribution board
                                                       In this context, it is important that the PV system does not
          ¨  Wired communication interfaces            interfere with the external lightning protection system.
                                                       Moreover, the PV system itself must be protected from di-
          Every d.c. input (MPP) of the inverter must be protected by   rect lightning strikes. This means that the PV system must be
          a type 2 surge protective device, for example DEHNguard M   installed in the protected volume of the external lightning
          YPV SCI … (FM), that reliably protects the d.c. side of PV   protection system. This protected volume is formed by air-
          systems. The CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12 standard requires   termination systems (e.g. air-termination rods) which prevent
                                                                         direct lightning strikes to the PV
                                                                         modules and cables. The protective
                      separation distance
                            s           rolling sphere radius      pro-  angle method (Figure 9.18.14)
                                            depending on   air-termi-  tective   or rolling sphere method (Figure
                                                         nation rod
                                            the class of LPS             9.18.15) as described in subsec-
                                                                         tion  5.2.2  of  the  IEC  62305-3
                                                                         (EN 62305-3) standard may be
                                                                         used to determine this protected
                                                                         volume.  A  certain  separation
                                                                         distance s must be maintained
                                                                         between all conductive parts of
                                                                         the PV system and the lightning
          Figure 9.18.15   Rolling sphere method versus protective angle method for determining the protected   protection system. In this context,

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